
Mums and mums- to-be: Was this my baby kicking or wind (!). I'm 17 weeks pregnant?

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I am dying to feel the baby move! I have tried laying down still on my bed and have felt some 'bubbles' moving up and down my stomach and felt other bubbly sorts of movements. But last night I felt a tightening and a poking right up near my ribs- was this my baby or was it too high up?




  1. sounds like the baby with the bubble,  

  2. wow i remember these feelings...fab isnt it? yep that was most likely you precious baby doing somersaults!! wait until your futher along and your getting kicked and bashed about...the bath is great they really come alive!! congratulations and best of luck.x

  3. Sounds like you felt the baby moving, you might not start to feel the baby kick properly until after 24 weeks. I'm 23 weeks and started to feel my daughter move at about 18 weeks and then kick the day at 21 weeks, some days I don't feel her alot and others she's kicking all the time, I can't wait until my partner can feel her kick.

    Good Luck

  4. your baby won't be that high until about 24 weeks.  

  5. that sounds like ur baby as she/he gets bigger the poking will get stronger my baby kicks my ribs all the time gd luck and congrats

  6. Enjoy the little prods and pokes now. In a few months time the baby will delight in kicking the c**p out of you when you want to sleep....................but it's the best feeling in the world. Good luck, hope everything goes well.

  7. yes thats the baby, by 17 weeks my baby's kicks and punches were visible and strong enough to knock something off my tummy.

    every pregnancy is different.

  8. Sounds like the baby. At first you'll feel little pokes all over, but as the baby gets bigger and stronger, the pokes will be more like punches.

    The baby was probably head down, and gave you a kick just to get your attention.

    You're right at the time when you'll start feeling kicks, so enjoy them now, when they get bigger and are out of the womb, the kicks really hurt, lol.

  9. Hi

    Aww definitely sounds like you are feeling baby's first movements. Most people start feeling baby move about week 16. It does just feel like little flutters and bubbles. I'm 33 weeks pregnant and my kicks are more like punches, and can be quite uncomfortable and sore so enjoy it at this stage before your baby gets any bigger ;) x

  10. Sounds a bit high on the poking but if you're laying down it could be!  The bubbles definitely sound like movements, I didn't start feeling real good prods with my second one until 20 weeks but now at 26 weeks she boots the c**p out of me!  You don't have long and you'll know what you feel when you feel it but they are still too far between!

  11. Yes the bubbles is certainly the baby, although i think its to early for him/her to be up in your ribs.

  12. at that stage many just feel bubbling like symtoms...  be paitant you will feel him soon enuf.. lol

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