
Mums - do you miss your kids as soon as they leave the house??

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My partner and I are due to have a (very) rare night out tonight and our 9 month old daughter is staying at her Nana's house. He has just left to drop her off and even though she has only been gone about 5 minutes I am close to tears! It seems that as she gets older I hate leaving her more and more because she is becoming a proper little person and I love being around her. I know she will be fine and I will enjoy my night off once I have had a short cry! I just wondered if every mum feels this way or if I am just being daft? Thanks!




  1. You are being daft, after a few more months you will relish the little break, you know she is in good hands, she will not miss you, sorry! but you must get used to being out with your partner and having a bit of freedom, when she comes back you will love her and cuddle her and think what a nice time I had, otherwise you will be living just for her! and when she is 15-16 and being independent you could be one of those mums who are awful and wont get your kids go anywhere!

  2. It's perfectly normal to miss your children when they are left with a sitter/family member for the first time (or even the 100th time).  Trust me when I say it's for the best though.  You owe it to yourself and your husband to have some alone time together with adult conversation (even if all you end up talking about is the kids).  You need to recharge so that you don't burn out.  

    She will have a blast i'm sure, and the practice will help get her ready to be away from you when she starts school.

  3. Aww-I do that too. I cried the first few times we got to go out just us-I felt like it was bad enough I had to send him to day care and all my time away for work should be for my son. I am doing better now-sometimes mom just needs a night off. So now his Nana and Pop-Pop come up around every three  months and keep him so we can go out to dinner and movie. I usually spend half the night wondering how he is and if he is being good for them.

  4. Honestly, I don't.  I LOVE spending time with my boys, but I don't need to be with them every waking moment.  I have plenty of other interests in life also.

  5. a little daft perhaps but look at the other side of it and appreciate it.  And it's good you love her so much.

  6. Yes we all feel the same once they grow up your glad to get a break from them.Have a lovely night out with your partner.

  7. It is a human instinct to worry about your siblings I am in my teens and mum still does that to me.

  8. My little boy has stayed with my in-laws 3 times in his life. I love my night off, but the last time he stayed was about a month ago and it's the first time I did not cry. It does get better, but you will always miss them even if they just go to the store with daddy. Enjoy your night off.

  9. Oh yes, this is me too!!

    I have recently gone back to work two days a week and my 13 month old daughter is with Daddy for one day then nanny for the other. Although I too know she is fine i miss her like crazy and love the moment i get home when she's all giggly and cuddly with me! she babbles to me too liek she's telling me about her day. I cried the other night in bed because i knew i would miss her the next day.  I am told it will get easier but i will always miss her and love being in her company becuase as you have said, they are little people with their own personalities and lovely to be around.

  10. Yes, I let my 4yr old spend the night at his grandma's and I had a bad feeling but as soon as i got home i started crying and felt paniced and upset......I couldn't sleep all night and I was just a mess!

  11. Give it a few more years. by then you will be eagerly awaiting their depature. And as soon as they leave the house you will miss them just as much as you do now. Mine are 6, 9 and 11. I enjoy the idea of time away from them. Im not so good at them actually being gone.

  12. Why can't dad's answer too! (I miss them)

  13. You're a good mum!

  14. I miss my kids when I put them to bed. So yes.

    They may drive me nuts at times, but I can't handle when they aren't there.

    Your not daft - Your a Mum


  15. As a 46 yo only child(a middle aged one at that) need to be so careful about this. I fully appreciate how you feel with a young child and to be honest I'm sure its something that most parents feel...but (and its a huge but) make sure as your children get older you don't let them know how much you miss them as soon as they walk out the door...I have suffered this almost all though my life and I have needed therapy to sort it out..

    I hope you have a gr8 night out!

  16. Dear Clair,

    How very sweet. You are a great mum and your little girl is very lucky indeed.

    It is only natural, she is your flesh and blood and you want to take care of her yourself.

    My babies are 40 and 36, I cry when they come home.

    x x x

  17. Yes i gave up work so i could be with my son and i have never ever left him anywhere overnight the only time i leave him is if i have got dentist,doctors etc. I love being with him and i hate leaving so i think its a natural instinct. Have a nice night. Oh my son is 2 how bad is that never had a night apart. lol

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