
Mums hairy chin (shaving)..?!?

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my mum is going through the menopause atm and has hairs sprouting from her face! This is obviously very embarrassing for her as she's only 40 and very well groomed. She's saving up to have laser hair removal but in the meantime she's been plucking the hairs. Unfortunately this is very time consuming and leaves her with a rashy prickly chin!

she's tried hair removal cream but the hair is too course and waxing still leaves a rash! Apparently saying that shaving makes the hair come back thicker is a myth so would this be the best option? Or does it really make the hair grow back thicker and quicker? Thnx in advance x




  1. It is a myth.  When you shave, the hair does not come back in thicker or heavier.  It just appears that way because when the hair is growing back in, it goes through a picky stage.  There is a prescription cream called Vaniqa that helps r****d hair growth, but it does not work on everyone for some reason.  It also takes about 2 months before you notice any results, but once it starts to work, I understand it works really well.  After shaving, make sure that she uses a skin toner with alcohol in it, or just use rubbing alcohol.  The alcohol can help prevent those bumpy shaving rashes.  That is why men always use aftershave to help prevent the rashes and bumps.  

  2. no it does grow back faster and thicker

  3. i no you said that the waxing leaves her with a rash but i think that might be the best idea because there are creams out there with aloe vera that soothes the rash, plus she wouldn't have to wax as often as she would have to shave.

  4. It will grow back faster and quicker avoid the shaving.

  5. shaving is a BAD idea.  I have seen women who shave to get rid of those meno hairs and they come back more beard-like.  She really should stick with plucking or waxing.  

  6. No it doesn't grow back in faster and thick it just looks that way because the hairs coming through have a blunt end to then making them appear thicker and darker because there ia a larger surface area on the top of the hair.

    Plucking or waxing is the best way to remove unwanted hair as it takes the hair out by the root so when it grows back it has a naturally tapered end to it making it appear thinner and lighter. You can get tea tree wax which might help reduce the redness you mum gets from waxing. Hope this helps.

  7. Hi, Before tweezing out the hair YOU must apply vaseline to comfort the hair removal. So the pain will be less and there will be no rash.

    After waxing you must apply a moisturiser or best Aloe Vera gel to soothe the area. Or you can apply a hair inhibinator. Check this out

  8. Ok, definitely no shaving. When you shave, the hair will just grow again, faster, thicker and more visibly, plus you can irritate the skin quickly. Try waxing. Its not expensive: you can get wax at any drug store.. They even sell these "cold wax patches by Nair" .. you just hold them in your hands for less than 5 minutes and then they get hot. Perfect for hair removal. Trust me, it hurts far less than laser and plucking!

    Good luck!! :)

  9. Shaving does NOT make hair grow back thicker, and this is probably the best option.

  10. Hi my mums going through the same thing. Shes been plucking her hairs for years but she's always had a horrible rash under her chin, not pretty :( Then since going through the menopause its become even worse, so shes decided to get laser hair removal and even though its expensive shes said its really worth it. Shes booked an appointment a month for a year and even after the first appointment its a million times better. She isn't allowed to pluck between appointments so they told her to shave instead with one of those mini shavers you get from Boots and shes looks so much better and feels more confident. I would really recommend for your mum to save up and get the laser hair removal, in the meantime just shave as it is quick and doesn't leave a rash like so many other things do because its a sensitive area. Hope this has helped and good luck to your mum :) x

  11. Unfortunately, many females have this problem. One thing that also comes with menopause is the hair grows slower on different body parts than it used to (arms,legs), so shaving should allow your Mom to get rid of the hair and still not have to shave too often.

  12. if you shave your legs then this would be an obvious answer  

  13. shaving MIGHT be okay, because its just temporary, and not a long term commitment. just be sure that she gets the laser treatment not too long after she starts shaving!

  14. For some people it does grow back quicker depending on the razor they use.  But shaving is quickr.  She is saving up so I say shave until you get the money.  She can carry a razor in her purse in case she feels stubble during the day.

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