Question: do u pick yourself up when u are feeling flat?

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I don't know why but I just feel really flat at the minute. It feels like my whole life is a mess even though it is no different to how it was yesterday (and I was super happy yesterday).

So how do you cheer yourself up when you are feeling down?




  1. Paint your nails, take a long bath, get a new hair cut, have a little drink, indulge with chocolate, watch a funny movie, just whatever will take your mind off of the negative and help you focus on the positive!

  2. work out,

    have a "me hour" and go get my nails done or go shopping,

    take a bubble bath.

    think of things that make me happy (baby, husband, cake)

  3. caramel drumstick ice cream cone.... oh sorry I'm 31 weeks pregnant... haha, I strap my son in the jogging stroller and speed walk for a good 30 minutes, then turn around and go home.

    Or I just pop in the movie the notebook and I'm garanteed to be crying tears of joy within a hour. Ryan Gosling makes me happy regardless of whats going on.

  4. I try and go out and get some fresh air and exercise by pushing my bubs in the pram. Or watch a funny tv show and pig out on yummy food. or have a nice warm bath with my baby. She loves the bath and its so relaxing for both of us. That sux your feeling down hun. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  5. Sometimes I just need to escape. So I go for a drive. Go get a pedicure, even just the grocery store. If I can...I call a friend and do something, even if its just lunch (without the baby). Every once in awhile I just need to feel like me again, not the mother. I love my baby with all my heart, but sometimes I forget that I am anything but mom. Goodluck =) It will get better.

    P.S.-I also have a video of my daughter laughing her head off, it picks up my spirits no matter what is bothering me. I constantly carry it in my purse...just incase I need it  

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