
Mums : -how do you style your daughter(s) hair for school,if anything special ? <span title="plaits,bunches,buns,down...?">plaits,bunches,buns,down....</span>

by Guest63342  |  earlier

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& if hair is kind of long....




  1. Mine&#039;s eleven now and does her own hair...but when she was at primary school I insisted it was tied back. It&#039;s so much simpler for swimming, PE, running around outside especially if it&#039;s windy, anything involving paint or glue...

    Mostly she just had a single high ponytail (I&#039;m terrible at getting partings straight :) )

  2. down in a headband (either parted or not)

    pony tail

    half up

    pig tails

    half up pig tails (her favorite)

    1 braid

    2 braids

    half up in three sections

    and we experiment and try different things.

    if you message me with your email i can send you some photos of her hair styles we ahve done, and they are easy!

  3. try puting it in a freach plait

  4. she just wears a hairband to school.i just give it a quick brush through.she has shoulder length hair

  5. My 6 year old starts the day with her hair in plaits - however, by the end of the day, I&#039;m not sure you could call it a &quot;style&quot; - she has very soft hair which just won&#039;t stay tidy!

    She always has her hair tied back for school, in the hope of keeping it away from bugs etc.

  6. buns and pony tails

    are good for long hair

    i normally put my daughters  hair in those styles

  7. my mum used to allways send me with a pony tail or if i was having a school photo she would do something speacil like crinkle it and have it down.

  8. I have this really cool trick that I do with my hair. You put it in a pony tail, then you pony tail out a bit from the head and flip the pony tail in the hole where no hair is, where you pulled it out from her head.

  9. It depends on the kid to me and the age. In kindergarten, I would get up earlier with my daughter and style her hair any which way I could think of. She decided about a month or two into school that she would like to just wear her hair down. So for picture day, I just flat ironed her hair and let her go just like that. She was content and the pictures were nice and natural. In first grade she became fascinated with pony tails and started putting in her own single pony tails at the nape of her neck. I can offer to help, but she would rather do that herself.

    With my other daughter, she&#039;s been getting her hair fixed in some way every day for at least 2 years now. She starts kindergarten this fall. She decided in December she wanted bangs (without my knowledge) and cut some in all by herself and somehow managed to keep them straight! So she wants to keep her bangs from now on. She isn&#039;t picky on her hair, but I&#039;m sure once school hits she&#039;ll be letting me know exactly what she&#039;d like done! For now pony tails, inverted pony tails, sloppy buns, head bands, and pig tails are planned though.

    With both of them, their hair is to the middle of their backs.

  10. Do different things with it so she&#039;s not always going to school with the same thing- try a top knot, when you get some of the hair up but leave some down- that looks really pretty especially with long hair. Low bunches, high bunches, bunchy plaits, just one plait, lots of plaits. Pony tails are quickest and most practical so we always do that on PE days, but I never send them in with their hair loose and without a hair band because they just come back with it messy and tangled from playing about with it.

  11. My girls (9 and 4) can&#039;t stand having their hair done at all.  We just keep it cut pretty short so that doesn&#039;t pose a problem.

    It drives me nuts to have hair flying in my face and I can&#039;t believe my kids like it that way, but we&#039;re all about comfort over style in this family, and if that&#039;s what they&#039;re comfortable with, it&#039;s fine with me.

  12. an inverted ponytail!!!! its special but not overdone and simple to do

    Heres the link:

  13. Its always up. either in a pony tail or bunches. My hair was always in a plait when I was at school!

  14. French plaits are nice 1 or 2

  15. I don&#039;t think that you can beat a french plait it takes a while to master but in my opinion nothing looks smarter.

  16. I can&#039;t say that this is anything special -

    but I insist that my step-daughter&#039;s hair always be up and off her face when she&#039;s at school.  Her hair is to the middle of her back and at the very least, we put it in barrettes - but usually it&#039;s in a pony tail.  

    As a prior poster mentioned, it&#039;s much easier to deal with if it&#039;s windy outside or she&#039;s using glue or paint or glitter.  And I think if it&#039;s off her face, then she&#039;s not playing with it or tugging on it while in class, while she&#039;s supposed to be listening/learning.

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