
Mums how often do you get time off to go out and enjoy yourself without your children?

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Mums how often do you get time off to go out and enjoy yourself without your children?




  1. Once a week I go to the store and shopping while my husband stays home with our daughter.

  2. I haven't had a day off in 3 years so I know moms with older kids don't  I don't even know what that is lol when ever I go out it's with my husband and my daughter.

  3. What is time off????? Never heard of it!!!!  lol

    I get time to myself every night after they go to bed. Rarely do I get to do anythig alone. Maybe  once a month if I am lucky.

  4. All the time my son lives with his dad right now.

  5. maybe once a year if im lucky- though this year we are trying for our birthdays and anniversary to get a night out alone.

  6. once a week my husband baby sits our 4 kids so i can go out with a few friends i dont see threw the week.

  7. Less than once a month... and my kid is 11 now.

    Never for about 6 years, then maybe two or three evenings a year Id get a sitter, and now he is home alone for some evenings but never till bedtime

  8. so far i have no  time to do any thing i think u will u beable to have more free time when u kids are older and start going to school...(i hope)...anyways it depents if u have help with ur kids and someone to take care of them ....

  9. I haven't, every time I try, it doesn't last more than a few hours, because all I want to do is get home and enjoy myself with my child. I love being able to experience life through her life. Its so new and exciting.

  10. once a month??? our family lives an hour away

  11. My husband makes sure I go out at least once a month with a gf, he's lovely like that.

  12. My son is 5. I've gone to the movies with friends three times since I had him. That's it.

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