
Mums of 3-4 year olds?

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What is the longest you have let your child be away from you? If your parents live out of town, would you let them go and spend a week with them (on their own) if they loved being with them and didn't have any problems being away from you?




  1. I am very attached to my baby. 4 yo. I don't think I would let her. But maybe I am just paranoid and by you letting kid/s go you could help them build independence.

  2. My daughter was never away from me for more than an hour and rarely even that until she was almost 5 years old.

    I think that society pressures mother's to go against their instincts. They pressure them to put them in daycare or leave them with others, because they say it's good for them.

    If you don't want to leave your child, people say you are overly attached and making them miss out on building their social skills.

    Personally I think it's NORMAL for kids to be with their mothers.

    Kids learn a lot more from watching their parent's reactions to  them and their social interactions than if they aren't there. They watch mom's face.. and take her encouragement or discouragement and grow into wonderfully socially intelligent children. Much more so than if you just throw them into a group and have an adult direct it.

    Now in your situation.. there is more to it. You are considering letting your child stay with family for a week. They love each other and you can trust your parents. But still, you have to trust your heart!

    In my opinion, a child that young doesn't really understand what staying with the grandparents for a week means.. so you can't ask them.

    However they will notice you are gone.. and not being there will have an effect on them.. and not being there every day for a week will bother them. They may stop trusting you just a little bit. They may stop feeling they can relying on you just a little bit. But really, it's a very minor thing in the grand scope of childhood.

    Our kids are the compilation of all their experiences.. we don;t have to be perfect, just good.

    So again.. trust your instinct.. if you want to let her stay there, go ahead.. if you want to keep her with you.. do that.

    But whatever you do! Do not let other people tell you what is best. Kids require you to think with your heart more than your head.

  3. My daughter would spend the night with anyone if I would let her.  However, I'm just not ready.  I wouldn't let that happen.  However, we have friends who let their kids spend the night with friends from day care (3 years old).  It's whatever is right for your family.  Good Luck

  4. Yes I certainly would, I left my first child for a week with her grandparents when she was 18 months old. She is close to them and both her grandparents and my daughter enjoyed it. I missed her sure, but I really enjoyed a week long vacation.

    It is healthy to get a break from time to time, plan a special trip that you wouldn't take a child on. Enjoy!

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