
Munich citizens or tourists - have you been here?

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I'm going to be visiting Munich for a few days early August. It's easy to find info. about the touristy places like (pardon my spelling) Marianplatz or the Hofbrauhaus, or even walking on the roof at Olympic Park (one of my "no way in h**l" events). But I have a quirky sense of adventure, and a city as large as Munich has to have some lesser known spots. I've found a little (not a lot) about a few places that I'd like your opinion on.

Has anyone been to the new Jewish Museum, the BMW museum, the Planetarium, or the Center for Unusual Museums (I think it's called ZAM), or the Hellebron zoo? Also, if you were, as a tourist, to visit one place in all of Munich, what would it be? We are definitely visiting Dachau but are open to other suggestions. We each got to pick one place we wanted to visit above all and my niece picked Dachau. I picked the Jura Museum in Eichstatt which I know is not real close to Munich - but it sounds fascinating! Thank you in advance - and please be kind.




  1. Don't forget the's beautiful...You've probably seen cuckoo clocks but this one is life size and the chimes are so pretty. The figures actually move around and are animated. This was one of the favorite things of mine to see when I was there. Also if you make it to Salzburg, Austria ask to go on a themed tour of the Sound of Music. They will show you guided tours where they filmed the movie. I was surprised when I learned that Germans actually do not really know of the's more of an English thing. You can also go to a Mozart concert in the castle that overlooks Salzburg,...and the views are awesome to say the least. Also, if you like jewelry, don't forget to stop at a Swarovski store there. That is also a sight.  And if you make it to Rudesheim, it's a medieval town that still looks like that where the roads are lined with stores with iron signs..even McDonalds there had to have an iron sign, which is neat, to be able to be there. Don't forget to ask for a passport stamp when you get to the checkpoints between's something neat for later.  Like the other poster said, Neuschwanstein is a gorgeous castle--if you're athletic you can even hike to Marienbrucke (Mary's bridge) but if you're afraid of heights you might not want to..haha.  Dachau, which you already said you were going to, is a unique experience, that I would like to go back to someday when I have more time to look through everything. There's so much to see there. It's crazy when you stand in where the prisoners stood in the middle in the wide open space for attendance...that area is huge. Even looking around is very solemn with the guards towers and the main gate with "Arbeit Macht Frei" (work will make you free). Okay I'll stop rambling now, but I would love to go back if I had the money to do it. Have fun and take lots of pictures :-) Go hiking in the Alps if you have time, the views are breathtaking. Sorry for the book. Haha.

  2. make sure you go to neuswanstein castle aswell, its about a 2 hour train ride from munich. you can also cross the border for a day trip to salzburg in austria which is just beautiful.

    I went to see a soccer game there, that was an awsome experience aswell. go Bayern Munich :)

    have fun

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