
Murders, Rapists, Criminals ,Tv shows and Lie detector tests.

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Ok.. This is quite a random question, but it just popped up randomly whilst I was watching the Murray show earlier on today.

Why is it that "Lie detector tests" are used for shows such as Jerry Springer and Murray... but when It comes down to crime... they're not used.

Don't you think the world would be so much better if we did lie detector tests on criminals...???




  1. Lie detector tests are not used because they are unreliable.  Many criminals are very good liars.  It is easy for them.  Conversely,  an honest person can take a lie detector test and fail one even if they are telling the truth. The theory is that they measure your physical response to telling a lie. In my opinion, they are completely unreliable.  

  2. Lie detectors don't work, they have never been reliable enough to be used by UK Police or as evidence in court.

  3. It has been scientifically shown that lie detectors are not reliable, and not usable.  You might also research persons being cleared from convictions, when DNA proves that persons are wrongly convicted by such things as "eye witnesses".

    As for tv shows.. consider who they are including. Most would not pass dna tests to start with.  No criminal risk on a entertainment show (if you call that entertaining).  

  4. Because the Courts do not accept they are reliable enough to convict someone or acquit them.

  5. Lie Detectors were ruled inconclusive. Lie Detector tests measures a bodies reaction and people have figured ways around it, thus being completely unreliable.  

  6. Lie Detector tests are not admissible by law, because they DO NOT work and are not foolproof!

    They are as much use as a Chocolate Pope!

    They are fine for rubbish daytime TV shows, but have no place in the real Justice System!

  7. "Lie detectors" are used on entertainment shows, but not in court, because their only value is for entertainment. They are "Voodoo Science" of no real probative use whatsoever. The worst criminals are the ones who - because they are have no conscience - can most easily beat them.


  8. you know i was watching this one crime show once where a girl was murdered, anyhoo my point being is they tested 4 different people and they all failed the test, now it turned out that none of them "did it". they are not even a real thing, i think they should have a sticker on the bottom which says "for entertainment purposes only"

  9. Expensive and unreliable

  10. Lie detectors are very unreliable.  Police will occasionally use them to help lead them to more evidence but at trial a lie detector is inadmissible.  Some people can specifically train themselves (without too much trouble) to defeat a lie detector.

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