
Murphy has three daughters?

by  |  earlier

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It's friday night and there's a knock at the door.?

So Murphy answers the door.

A lad standing there asks " Hi I'm Joe, I'm calling for Flo to take her to a show, do you think it's a go?"

"I'll go and ask "says murphy

Hey Flo, there's a lad called Joe to take you to the show, is it a go"

Flo replies"Tell Joe it is a go I'd love to go to the show"

Murphy turns to Joe "O.k joe , I've spoken to flo and it is a go cos she'd love to go to the show"

So off they go

Ten minutes later there's another lad,

"Hi i'm Lance, calling for Nance to take her to the dance, Do you think there's a chance?"

Murphy shouts" Hey Nance theres a lad called Lance to take you to the dance, is there a chance"

"Tell Lance there is a chance and I'd love to go to the dance"

Murphy says" Ok lance i've spoken to Nance and there is a chance, she would love to go to the dance"

So off they go

10 minutes later theres a knock at the door so again Murphy answers

A lad standing there says "Hi I'm Tucker"

"P!SS OFF" says murphy




  1. My Ex was a McNair, and My GF was a Sullivan. BTW I'm spanish. Like the Brit's, we s***w the Irish every chance we get.

  2. wud tucker luv to f*** her??? lol

  3. *giggle*

  4. hahaha, whats the girls name

  5. The ending could also be....... .

    A lad standing there says "Hi I'm Tucker"

    "There´s a lad  here to get advice on how to change his name!!"  Murphy shouts upstairs.

    More civilised don´t you think.

  6. ha ha ha funny!!

  7. WhAt? - see how everything rhymes? Well think what rhymes with "Tucker".. like "F*CK HER". get it NOW????

    btw great joke!!! i liked it

  8. I don't get it and i didn"t laugh

  9. According to Murphy's law...anyone who is a 'trucker' is a horrible f ucker!!!.


  11. rofl

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