
Murray, everybody's favorite now??

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he only won a master series and now he's the next number one and a possible 08 US Open's winner??

a couple weeks ago nobody thougth he could win anything and now he's favorite to win everything??




  1. I know its absolute crazy. There is no doubt Andy Murray displayed some great tennis against Novak, thats for sure, but its only one master series ahaha ! Its ridiculous to even consider him being the next #1, can you actually believe it? The british media are the worst they dont stop going on and on about Murrays win !!! Argh... The commentators are sooo annoying aswell like they`ll have Murray already making the final in the tournaments, it seriously drives me mad, they speculate before the tournament has even started. How can they be proffessional commentators when they come away with trash!! It amazes me how they get jobs haha The whole ``Federer is going down hill, thats him finished`` ``Rafa lost to Novak in Cincy, he sucks now`` But there great Andy Murray wins one tournament well he`s obviously gotta be the next #1 !!!!!!! haha God.... id love to see the commentators faces if Murray lost the first round at the US Open. haha Have you heard anything about Roddick? I cant seem to find anything on him just now, has his neck recovered lol! I really do hope he`ll be fit and healthy time US Open comes, he is a great guy and great for the sport, he is soooo funny aswell and down to earth :)! I love his interviews.

  2. thank god somebody said it! During Wimbledon everyone pretty much hated him and wanted him to go away and now everyone is all over him. It's ridic. I will say that Murray has made me a fan of his over the past few weeks, but I still think he has some ways to go before he gets up there with Djokovic, Federer and Nadal.  

  3. Everybody loves Andy because everybody dislikes Novak. Andy beat down Novak twice ... back to back, plus he is playing amazingly well.  Rafa improved his game & now Andy has also improved his. He is no where near as good as Rafa but he is good enough to kick Djokers' butt.

  4. Well, he has gotten better. You have to give him some credit. He has also raised his ranking. But I still think everyone thinks too much of him and everybody is going crazy. They all think he is the hottest thing around in tennis and is going to be the best of the best. He is good, I know that. But he is certainly not even remotely close to nadal or Federer.


  5. You know what, i have noticed the same thing. Everyone at my school loved Nadal after he won wimbledon but now they all love murray. I have got to say, i do like murray a lot but my favourite is and will always be federer. I think because Nadal is gonna becom no.1 federer will pull his act together and take back whats his.

  6. That is the fickle world of sport. Rubbish one minute a world beater the next.

    People always overreact one way or another in sport.

  7. I know its crazy, one title and hes the enxt number 1- without displaying any of the shots Fed and Rafa and even Nole can pull off?? Amazing. Murray is a brick wall, no more no less, and the only reason he beat Novak is cos Novak played likwe rubbish *double faulting twice in a tiebreak...goood). Hes overated and hes never gonna win a GS with his playing style at the mo- he would ahve 2 improve alot. Unless everyone else plays like shite- then Murray will beat them.

    Interesting pple are starting like like Murray cos they hate Novak... I'm liking Novak alot more since I hate Murray (and I am NOT a Novak fan!!)

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