
Murry pure guts or WHAT???????????

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Murry pure guts or WHAT???????????




  1. Pure guts!

    i felt a bit sorry for frenchie tho...nobody likes getting booed

  2. Who ????????

  3. He was down and out but with the help of the crowd he somehow managed to come back and win. Richard also lost a lot of concentration due to the fact he was getting booed for no reason whatsoever and Murray`s constant facial expressions is enough to put anyone off, well not Rafa though ;):P

  4. He was on a roll.  He saved his best for last and I love it.  He was down but not out and what a way to go.  He has proven that he is not a moody, sloppy looking young man but one with guts and vigor.  I love him right now.  Go Murray.

  5. No he doesn't...And if your such a big fan...learn to spell his name!!!

  6. LOL! The third set was when the Frenchman lost it after that it was a one way errr whatever one way things are!LOL d**n good game and totally enthralling!

    Bring on Rafa!

    Yep I know the likely result but as Captain sensible sang "If you don't have a dream, how are you gonna have a dream come true" or whatever it was!LOL

  7. Absolutely - not many players could come back like he did tonight.

  8. I officially love Andy Murray.

    What a match, what skill.

    Pure amazing

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