
Muscle Building Supplements?

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I had my vet out to check out my mare that seemed to not be building any muscle at all. He said she was lacking something in her diet. What is the best type of muscle builder? I live in a podunk town any ive never used a supplement... we use more of the "cowboy ways" so I'm new to this. So any recommendations about muscle building supps?




  1. You didn't say what you're currently feeding her and how you are working her.  IF you have a riverbed near you do a lot of long trotting building her up slowly in 5 minute incraments.

    I've fed my horses rolled barley corn (Building them up to a 3LB coffee can) once a day and adding a 1/2 C of corn oil and 1/2 C of apple cider vinegar to it.  I also do a hot bran mash (Red flakey wheat bran) twice a week and mix that into the barley corn mixture.

  2. You want to feed your horse steroids? Oh because i thought that was illegal. If you want to know whats missing in her diet this is what you do.

    FInd out what the soils from where you get your hay are missing. Then by a complete feed or some sort of vitamin that will help replace this lack. Your vet or my vet anyways Carry's what is called free choice minerals you put it in a dish and they eat it when they want. That may be a good idea for your horse.

    And maybe you are not riding your horse in a correct way, a way that would build muscle. idk but i don't think steroids are your answer. and ya muscle building supplement=steroids.  

  3. The question seems to be, "do we really need supplements"? But the answer to that completely depends upon what it is that we do or do not need them for. Let's examine a couple of different definitions.

    "Do bodybuilders need supplements to become bigger and stronger?"

    The answer to this question? No!

    Regardless of what the million-dollar supplement companies would have you believe, supplementation is not mandatory in the pursuit of increased muscle mass and strength. Anyone who trains hard and focuses on consuming adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fats from whole foods can and will see a significant increase in muscle size and strength.

    If you want to become bigger and stronger, supplements are not mandatory. Period.

    Hope this helps...


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