
Muscle Building. Will This Programme Work.?

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I am 16 and have a moderate case of pectus excavatum . I am pretty skinny but eat a moderately healthy diet. A doctor has said I wont need surgery. I want to build some body muscle.

I currently do every Monday / Wednesday / Friday without fail every night :

*100 Sit ups on a sit up bench

*10 Reps / 3 Sets :

-Dumbbell Flyes

-Dumbbell Bench press

-Dumbbell Pullover

Will this be suitable and how long will it take to build muscle (Six pack)?




  1. For sure a good start, however i would suggest some variety, otherwise your going to plateau sooner. maybe get an exercise ball for your sit ups instead of using a bench, and make sure you're doing them to the side as well as the middle in order to target your entire stomach.

    i know that you are obviously targeting your chest, but i would maybe throw in some other exercises (legs, back, arms...) on your in between days if you can. make sure that you are getting enough recovery time between workouts, your muscles need time to recover from all the work in order for them to get stronger.

  2. if your serious about working out gaining muscle so you dont look like and sissy girl then theres some more things to take into consideration. your diet, eating healthy is important but for muscle building you need to eat healthy and add muscle building foods to your diet, in the morning eat 6oz of calfs liver cook it anyway your like, drink whole milk, eat your grains ( not sugarfied cereol), for lunch eat a good amount of each beef, broccoli, cauliflower and potatoes, for supper eat alaskan salmon, black beans and tomatoes.

    Now the pre and post diet, and hour and half before you workout eat 5 eggs and a bowl of rice, eggs provide the most complete ammino acids that your body needs, and why rice? rice is a carbohydrate that your body absorbs very fast so you will have that energy you need for your workout. For your post workout diet i would recommend getting some whey protein mix from a superstore or gnc.

    Now for the between meals i highly recommend this, even if your not hungry do it, you will benefit from it as you workout more and more your body will consume more, and if you dont give your body what it needs then there wont be any progression, eat plenty of watermelon, red grapes not white and honey dew, you can mix them as a fruit salad or eat them seperately between meals.

    with this diet plan you will gain muscle in no time at all, they will be heal

    Always stay hydrated, make sure you get your salt, and drink as much whole milk as you can, want to know how muscle is made? FAT, and testosterone is made from cholesterol, and another important factor is ZINC that is in beef, liver and broccoli. zinc does all kinds of stuff so go to wikipedia and research it, ill tell ya a couple things what is does, one it increases the testosterone that is in the bloodstream, two your sperm is made out of it, so refrain from shaking hands with ben frank for a while, cause each time you do you lose lots of zinc, you could say that zinc and testosterone is what gives you your drive it helps make you that barbarian of a man. also the liver is a freaking super food if you were wondering why its for breakfast.

    alright now the workout, i highly recommend buying the Arnold Schwarzenegger workout/weight lifting book as this is were i get some of my info from. cut the situps to 20 and only use as a warmup to get the blood flowin cause you want fat to be formed were you are lacking the most, when you notice youve gain some fat start doing those intense situps, add of course strechting before each workout.  

  3. Throw in Incline Bench Press and Barbell Bench. Also try dips and reverse dips .

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