
Muscle Mimicry: Photographic memory Muscle memory

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Monica Dawson's superpower. I heard there are some people that are able to look at something once and perform it. I heard it has something to do with photographic memory and muscle memory. Would having those two abilities have something to do with muscle mimicry?




  1. I have a photographic memory. I can watch someone do something and I know how to do it forever. Like you said about the photograph's I'm not an artist so I don't draw but I can remember the smallest of details from things that I've seen only once. I am always the one in charge of remembering where we parked when we go to Themeparks, or anywhere for that matter. I don't remember by the signs that they put up I remember by the amount of spaces and steps and just how the area looks. I also remember the dumbest things like where the cracks are in the sidewalk or a stain on the wall or floor, simple things like that. It gets annoying at times because I will scrub and scrub to try to make them go away but I still know they are there. It is very usefull as I rarely lose anything. I don't conider it a superpower or an ability for that matter it's just something I'm good at.  

  2. Monica Dawson is a fictional character on Heroes who has the power of being able to mimic any physical motion she sees.

    There are people with incredible abilities that are able to witness something once and duplicate it, or nearly duplicate it. Music is one area most familiar to me where this is sometimes seen, and I attached a link about that from CBS 60 minutes.

    There's also people with photographic memory like Stephen Wiltshire, who can reproduce whole photographs via sketching with only one viewing of the photo (see 2nd link)

    However, I'm not familiar with people who have this ability with gymnastics. Not that there aren't extremely skilled gymnasts, but I haven't seen any examples of savants that use a combination of strength, stamina and coordination to do their amazing feats with no previous training. Playing piano is the closest I've personally come across.

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