
Muscle Question?????

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Ok. about a year ago i was kinda chubby and fat so i decided i wanted to lose weight. so i thought i could lose weight by doing cardio and eating less then 700 cals a day. i did that for a couple of months and then i wasnt chuby no more. now for the past couple of months i have been getting a little fatter. i realised i was in starvation mode and i had to eat more cals. then i started eating normally again but know i am stilll getting fatter. i also have devloped some fat between the armpit and chest. can someone please help me how to add muscle and lose the fat. Thanks! By the way i am 13 5'11 and weigh 140 pounds. even though i weigh less, i look fat.




  1. you sound aneorexic and appear to have body dysmorphic disorder,  as your body gets ready to grow taller it sometimes puts on weight but you will grow into it and youre only 13 and you wont be done growing till 18 and i wouldnt worry about muscle and developing it untill about 16 when your hormones are a little more balanced.  eat 2200 and do sports as exercise, and as for muscle building use your body (pushups pullups and chinups)

  2. For someone of your height and age you should be consuming MUCH more than 700 calories a day!!  You're still an adolescent and growing.  Teens burn calories much faster than adults, so they must intake higher amounts.  How much exercise were you doing?  What exercises were you doing?  Cardio is great for loosing fat, but if you want to build muscle too you need to do other types of exercises (ie weight lifting, sit ups, push ups.that sort of thing).  Eating less calories a day than what your body uses from not even moving is a bad move!  I'm 5' 11" and 145, but age 27.  I burn just over 2000 calories a day not doing anything.  You can use this calculator to see how many you burn each day:  From that you can base your healthy diet to follow.  All in all, don't starve yourself because your muscles go first,  eat healthy and incorporate more muscle building exercises into your current workout.  Good luck!
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