
Muscle Spasm in Dog's head, possible seizure?

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A few nights ago my dog vomited a few times, then in the morning work up swollen around her eyes then started getting hives. Took her to the vet and they gave her a shot of cortizone and Prednisone and benydrl..a few hours later she was fine, but sleepy. Then after taking her doses of prescribed benadryl and prednisone about 2 days later she started having strange muscle spasms on the top of her head where the main muscles are by the ears. She seemed to be in pain each time and would cry and act very out of it. After it was over with she would act very out of it too for a little bit, then would just be sleepy the rest of the evening. This is the third time this has happened and each time it seems to be getting longer. It doesnt happen one after another. First time was in the middle of the night, then earlier today, then just this evening.. I took her to the vet today and he basically said he was stumped, and didnt know what it was. (great huh) I am wondering if this could be from the prednisone, or if it is a seziure? We are going to ween her off the prednisone but she still will need to take 2 more pills to be done. I am worried that if it is the meds then it will get worse if I keep giving it to her but I know I have to ween her off.

Please help!!!

The only thing I can think off that caused the original allergic reaction (at least thats what it seems to be) is a bee sting since there are bees outside out patio, or that she possibly ingested some mold/mildew on a old piece of furniture outside?

Please help my little lexi, poor thing. Oh and she is a female boston terrier about age 3.

Any help appreciated. I will call the vet in the morning but he didnt seem to know what the deal was.





  1. The muscle spasms are from the central nervous system.  I think there is more going on than just allergies.  Please call a vet and let them know about the muscle spasms.  That is serious.  If you aren't satisfied with what the vet is telling you, please get a second opinion with another vet.

    Has she been vaccinated?  Distemper causes muscle spasms and effects the central nervous system.


    Whew!  Good!  It's probably not Distemper then.  But please let the vet know about the spasms.

  2. A seizure would most likely be characterized with muscle spasms throughout the rest of her body, so if the spasms were localized just at the top of her head then a seizure is unlikely.  It may be a normal pain reaction to what is going on... "tremors" are somewhat similar to seizures in that aspect.

    Another thing is that maybe she had a bee sting at the muscle spasm site?  Painful there?

    Typically cortisone/prednisone injections will not cause this type of reaction so it is unlikely it is due to the treatment.  They will usually cause increased thirst and urination and slight lethargy or even hyperactivity.

    If you feel uncomfortable going back to the same vet, tomorrow find another vet in your area for a second opinion.  

  3. k ill help

    like you said it could possibly be an allergic reaction

    im thinking it is an allergic reaction.

    it sounds like she  got a lot but  what do i no

    good luck!

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