
Muscle <span title="twitches,tingling,cramping,fatigue">twitches,tingling,crampin...</span> all over body pleaes help im only 15 please It feels fatal really?

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So It all begin about in may I had a really bad neck twitching which felt like blood... was being pumped to my head so I thought there must be something wrong with my arterys... after going to lots of doctors for that cardiologist,throat and ear doctor,and 2 physicians I finally thought It was normal but then again whenever I excersise rapidly my neck does it againt but faster and faster and I nearly black out... So I have been ignoring it. Now 2 weeks ago i woke up with tingling all over my body. my mom rarely believes me any medical issues so I laid in bed for 3 days and it just seemed to be getting worse... I started cramping up in my calves and ankles really bad and it was hard to walk I had so much fatigue. In the recent days since then I have been to a nerologist and have had 2 mris done on my neck and head... nothing. Right now im sitting in my bed and am having really really bad muscle twitchs from my arms to my legs to my stomach(has it the most). I also have really bad tinglin in my eyes. I have had bloodwork done but that was around june and I dont think they checked everything? What is wrong with me I have been sick for nearly 3 or 4 months now? please help?




  1. The same EXACT thing happened to me about two months ago. I started tingling in my neck. Then, it spread to my whole body. My eyes and arms started twitching. I was trembling and had really bad headaches. I went to a million doctors and all of them said the same thing - basically, they didn&#039;t know what was wrong. I even had blood work done and it came up negative. I finally went to a neurologist, and she ordered two MRI&#039;s - both came up negative. I was FREAKING out! I thought I had multiple sclerosis or Lou Gehrig&#039;s or may be early stage Parkinson&#039;s. I went back to the neurologist, and we talked for a good hour. And I realized that all the twitches, spasms, and tingling started when I was under a lot of stress. My dad told me he had cancer. Then a few days later, my aunt passed away, and I was having problems with a co-worker. My neurologist asked me how many hours of sleep I was getting a night, and I realized I wasn&#039;t getting any - maybe 2-4 hours. And I had lost about 8 pounds.

    Since your MRIs came out normal, I doubt you have any neurological problems. You maybe over-exerting yourself when you exercise. Are you under any stress? These twitches and spasms may be your body&#039;s way of telling you it&#039;s tired. I&#039;m sorry for writing such a long answer, but try to take it easy. Get some rest, and try to relax. If you&#039;re still having the spasms a few weeks from now, go to a different doctor. It maybe something else. Oh and I agree with Lisa, you should get your thyroids checked out. Good luck!

  2. Try having your thyroid levels tested, TSH - should be around 1 or 2 to feel best and some normal ranges are as high as 4.

    Then get a test for Lupus.  Both are simple blood tests.  Both can be treated very successfully.

    Thyroid issues usually need just a supplement and Lupus is a pill a day.

    Have those checked and start doing some research on the internet to give your doctor a list of possibilities.

  3. im sorry to hear this it must reeally suck.... um well maybe if u tell them u aint going home tilll the doctor helps u they might look at things more carefully sorry i couldnt be more help....

    will u answer mine please????

  4. How old are you?  Also what other medical conditions do you have?  What have you been eating prior to the exercising?  That day... cramping could be an imbalance in electrolytes, maybe not enough many things.

    I&#039;m sure the MD&#039;s checked some things but if you weren&#039;t for coming with the facts they can&#039;t help you...  not really enough info hear to point you in the rigth direction -  

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