
Music Making Software for my car audio.?

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I want to be able to compose a"song" (if thats what you want to call it) of pure Bass for my car. I want to be able to adjust the frequencies and burn it on a disc so i can play it in my car. Any suggestions on what software to download?? Thanks in advance!!




  1. There are several programs you can use. Cakewalk makes various programs, such as Sonar. Also, Sony Acid series. On those you can find "loops" for them, usually a MP3 or WAV file. There are other pgorams, such as MTV Music Generator that has pre-installed loops. A lot of veryy good baselines in it, but kind of "old fashioned" but I still use it. Also FruityLoops is a good one still commonly used. I prefer Propellerhead's Rebirth and Reason though overall. Can make complete custom basslines, synths, drum kits, etc. Also very easy to use with a MIDI controller or other plugin hardware, if you have the right computer and equipment for it. To have a nice computer for all that, the software, and the hardware, your looking at a good $5k. But if you do competitions or just want to make music and become good enough to make CD's and sell it, its worth it.

  2. fl studio or reason if you just want every bass tone download the hexibass cd

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