
Music Theory.. I need a lot of help.?

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So I'm in music theory 1 and its the end of the semester right? I am so confused in that class and I have to compose 16 bars. I sort of understand everything but I have trouble applying it. I have to use primary triads, dominant seventh chords and inversions. Any key excpet C major. and each 4 measures have to end with a specific cadence. Where do I start?!




  1. Start by selecting a Key.  I'd recommend the Key of G Major.  It's fairly simple and similar to Key of C Major.

    Key of G Major - G, A, B, C, D, E, and F#

    The triads for this key are:  

    G Major (G, B, D)

    A Minor (A, C, E)

    B Minor (B, D, F#)

    C Major (C, E, G)

    D Major (D, F#, A)

    E Minor (E, G, B)

    F# Diminshed (F#, A, C)

    As for different inversions, just mix up the order of the notes within the chord.  For Example, play the G Chord as (B, G, D).  

    As for cadences just use the basic ones.

    Progression V (D) - I (G)

    Progression vii (F#) - I (G)

    Progression I (G) - V(D) - vi (E) - IV (C)

    Ending on I, IV, or V will give you different cadences.  Good Luck.

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