
Music career?

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I am a 19 year old female and i want to know what is the best way to start a music career. how do i get exposure and are art schools the best choice? also, how did you figure out what your purpose or path in life is? did it just come to you or did you experiment and then find something. thank you all for your help




  1. You know, it's really what you want to do. An art school is a great place to start. I'm planning on going to ASU's Herberger for the Arts College or Northern Arizona University (NAU) for music teaching. I have a band director that was like you. He was uncertain what he was going to do. He loved math and loved music. So he decided to go into business and his parents bribed him to be in U of A's marching band because his dad didn't want to stop going to football games. Well, half way through his degree, he realized that it was work to get up everyday and attend class. What he really wanted to do was play music and when he told his parents he was going to be a teacher, they said "Finally." They knew it all along that he was destined to do music. But like the way it should be, they let him make his own decisions. If you want to pursue music/arts attend an art school, college, or academy. Whatever you do, just trust your heart and go with it.

  2. The music business is something you don't want to get in-depth about. The business itself is mysterious, and cruel. Record companies can be harsh, by giving you 7 months to come up with a 2-sided CD. Managers would be forcing you to play at places you don't want to. But hey, it's all about money; And I would know, I've been in the music business for years. But, the reason why I am still in it, is because for just keeping myself alive first off, and for the music itself. If you're like me, than you are ready to get your career going.

    First off, Are you going Solo? Are you in a band? The best idea here is being in a band, Why? Because that way you can work as a team, and as being a Solo artist, you have to take all of the credit, and mistakes. If you're in a band, you can easily just blame the drummer. =)   (No offence to any Drummers, If I did offened any, think of this; I do play the drums myself)

    Secondly, Get a Manager!! Immediently!!! You see, A manager would lead you through, because he/she knows the tools of the trade. Unless, you have decades of knowledge about the business, than you can do it on your own.

    After you get those two things down, you'll start to understand how the whole thing works. As for myself, I'd say the music business is one of the most harshest way to earn money. Hope this Helps!

    -Nakayama Akira

  3. i think it all depends on the type of music you play.

    what are you? a band? soloist? maybe even a clarinet player???

    but college i think is always a good choice.

  4. I am literally in the exact same situation (even down to the age), and I just don't know how to go about putting my songs out into the world.

    I think the best way to start is to get yourself out there and offer to play at restaurants/bars/clubs for free (to start). Put videos of your material up on youtube (People have made careers that way!), and start a music myspace.

    If you're talented, you can slowly work your way up to bigger venues and get paid for what you do. Word of mouth will help gain you some exposure.

    Also, if you have the money, you can record a demo to sell at your gigs. You should also send the demo out to every record company you can think of. If you're lucky, your demo might get noticed, or someone will approach you after a gig about a possible deal.

    Just be bold and put passion into your music, and I'm sure you will make it! :)

  5. First of all, I have no cred as a rock star.

    Having said that,

    Join a band as soon as possible. The nice thing about a music career is that you can get an education at the same time, as college towns are a hotbed of great live music. Study and play, study and play.

    If you really want to make a name for yourself, be prepared to not have a life of your own. You'll have a lot of hard work, no money and crappy living conditions.

    Also, you had better be hot. There's no room for unattractive people in money-making music. Session musicians don't have to be beautiful, but they have to be REALLY good.  

    Personally, my issue was that I'm too tall and hairy for anything but a drummer.
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