
Music for different activities for pre schooler?

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i'm a kindergarten teacher and i will like to do some activities with music. i thinking of drawing while listening to music but i dunno what music will be suitable. i love classical music but i have problems with the titles therefore hard for me to find music. i am also looking for music for children to listen and walk around the red line in a circle. I remember hearing classical music about animals too.. please help me if any one of you know any titles that i can use. websites are welcome too. all these for the lovely children to have a great time and learn to love music. thank you




  1. Baby Elephant Walk

  2. Well, I don't know much about classical music, but if you are open to GREAT folk-sy music then check out any CD by Dan Zanes and Friends.  It is marketed as kids' music but is really family-friendly (translation: won't drive the adults crazy).  Dan does lots of original tunes as well as covers of classics.

  3. Baby Einstein has cds of "kid style" classical music. Tchaikovsky and Brahms also have some good songs for kids. Nutcracker Suite, Swan Lake, Brahms Hungarian Dance, The Sorcerer's Apprentice by Dukas...basically the music in Disney's Fantasia. Think Bugs Bunny cartoons also, and maybe search them online. Sounds fun!

  4. Try Carnival of the Animals: Look them up on YouTube...there are several movements for different animals. This is one for elephants...

  5. Classics for Kids-Cello (great for movement-art)

    Classics for Kids-Flute (calmer music)

    Classics for Kids-Cello

    Classics for Kids-Piano (great for movement-art)

    Classics for Kids-Family Time (not my favorites)

    I found these at our local library.  Check yours...see if they can interlibrary loan them for you if they don't have them.  Like any CD...preview before you purchase.

    Something I did with "art".  I created 2 cd's...picking fast classical music for the 1st cd and slow for the 2nd.  Then at art they painted the first day to the fast and the 2nd day to the slow.  Wow! The was a great opener to the parents how music affects children.  So many people have tv and radio/cds going all the time and really it does affect their behavior.

    The Flight of the Bumblebee...I'm not sure who wrote the music but you'll come across it on more than one cd :-)  It's awesome for movement and "freeze" activities.

    Good luck!  Seriously, go check out a bunch at your library and listen to them on the way to school and back home!

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