during improvisation is it typical to think in terms of "root C-5th/G playing the 6flat..." blah blah blah - or is it mostly by ear?
I've been working on scales quite a bit and have been throwing in some frills into songs- I'm finding it's easier to kindof wing it by ear- but it's easier for me to get lost ("I'm in what key again? where is that node root note thingy again...) and I'm so anally retentive part of me thinks I should be knowing exactly where each note is, in which position I'm in, whether it's the 4th, the 5th off the root or whatever - but when I play more along those restraints the playing gets more labored and clinical seeming...
what is the typical, if there is such a thing, way of approaching improv-ing
i guess it could boil down to a left brain (technical) vs. right brain (spiritual) approach
also it seems the more I practice, the closer those aspects become - the more notes you "know" the better you can play them, but that could be based on "ear" also