
Music lost its meaning?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know why, but music has just stopped meaning anything to me. I'm still able to analyze music, and even qualify it as good music or bad music along the same guidelines that I used to, but it no longer seems to move me. Over the past couple months, I've been experiencing problems with depersonalization, emotional numbness, depression and anxiety, but through it all, music has at least meant something. It always used to. I even learned to play the guitar and had a chance of becoming a musician (possibly not becoming famous or successful, but a musician). But now it seems like it's lost its meaning. Does this happen to people? Does it end?




  1. I think that, if you were using music as a source of hope and fun then it is significant that you no longer feel value for it any longer.  

    Many times we pick up hobbies and get real enthusiastic about them, then begin to loose interest and forget about them after a while.

    Has something else replaced the music?  Something that picks up your spirits and makes you feel better?  Do you have something that is helping to pull you out of depression and numbness?  If not see a qualified medical practitioner, just to make sure that you are doing alright and that your meds are working properly.

  2. What you could use is a wider scope of different types of music than you normally listen to.  Try subscribing to Real Rhapsody.  hey have over 3 million songs and it's relatively inexpensive to experience something new and fresh that will take you away.  Also if you are an adolescent your brain is changing quickly and maturing.  This may cause some shift in some aspects of your likes and dislikes, so maybe the same ol same ol just won't do anymore.

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