
Music on the ENV2 phone?

by  |  earlier

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I just got an ENV2 phone and I know you can play music on it. Can I download music from my computer on to it or do I have to buy music from VCast? If I can get music from my computer to the phone where do i get the cord for cheap?




  1. WHATEVER you do DO NOT buy a chord from verizon!

    they will drastically overcharge you!!

    enV2s use a generic chord so just using a Micro-USB data cable is fine!

    or you can use a MicroSD card (preffered) with an adapter to fit in an SD slot, however, not all computers have an SD slot. if you dont then just go with a cable.

  2. that guy harlin haskins sounds smart so i agree with him.

    haha he sounds like he knows what hes tlkin bout so if i were u id listen.


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