
Music program for college HELP?

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Does anyone one knows how hard it is to get into University of Hartford music program? and their requirements are as following....can someone tell me what to play in simple form...

Major and minor scales should also be prepared.

A fast movement from a standard concerto comparable to those of Mozart and Weber (including Weber, Concertino)

Two contrasting études from C. Rose, 32 Études; Polatschek, Advanced Studies; Cavallini, Caprices (or comparable repertoire)




  1. I have 2 degrees from Hartt, as does my husband, and my son was also accepted there, although he chose to go to Temple in Philadelphia.  No, Hartt is not Juilliard, nor does it aspire to be - Hartt is known for music education and music management, opera and musical theater, and choral conducting.  Your chances are og getting in are FAR slimmer than 50-50 - your grades have to be good, and your audition must be outstanding.  you MUST be studying with the finest clarinet teacher in your area - drive a distance to get the best, if you have to.  NOTHING is more important than your audition, although all the other factors must also be in place; a fabulous audition is not going to make up for a 80 academic average, for example.  We both received great educations there, and that is why we had out son also audition there - he was accepted BOTH as a music ed AND a performance major (piano), but preferred a major city with more cultural possibilities - Hartford is NOT New York, Philadelphia, or Boston - all places he auditioned for.

    Five Towns College on Longs Island also has a Music Management program you may wish to look at - nd it is NOT as competitive as Hartt.  I wish you luck - work hard, EVERY DAY - there are no days off for music students.


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  3. I don't believe that the Hartt School is a school of music known for being very prestigious like Juilliard or Eastman, so your chances of getting in might be about 50:50.

    Your major and minor scales in every key should be able to be played in sixteenth notes at eighty-eight on the metronome.  I am not sure if they'll ask you to play natural, melodic, or harmonic minor scales, so it's best for you to prepare all three.

    Your fast movement of a concerto should be something similar to the works of Mozart and Weber, if not from their works.  It should be a piece that shows off the amazing things the clarinet can do.

    You need to choose two etudes from those collections.  One needs to be a slow and expressive piece that shows off your musicianship.  The other needs to be a fast piece that shows how fast your fingers can fly!

    Make sure you practice EVERY DAY up to the audition date.    You can't let yourself s***w up your whole future by being ignorant.  Best of luck and I hope you make the cut!

  4. The other answers that have been give are amazing, and I completely agree with them. I would like to add to those that you should listen to several different recordings of whatever Mozart or Weber concerto you decide to play. This will give you a better idea of what they will be expecting to hear in the audition (especially as far as standard tempos go).

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