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Ok som I'm a 13 yr old girl and sort of a champion trombone player and pianist. I feel gret about my accomplishments in orchestra, but sometimes I get really down that I can't sing. I don't know about you but does it seem like it takes more talent to sing. It's like anyone can learn to play and instrument.. but only some are born with singing abilty. What do you think?




  1. some people can just downright not play instruemnts, some people have no rhythm so the ycant even play piano.  but yeah singing is one of the hardest things to learn

  2. I couldn't sing until like sophomore year in high school (girl trumpet player). I actually learnd because I sang a lot fo disney songs...and just really listened..(maybe a bit weird..but happened by accident) I believe that if you have some musical talent already you are not at a loss. worse thing is-you will sing accurate notes without the absolute sweetest voice around.

  3. Way to go being able to play two instruments.  Try not to worry about not being able to sing, most that do sing don't sound too good.

  4. You have more abilities than you THINK, that will have a BIG influence on your success in singing.  I should know  - I have taught vocal music since 1971.  When I have a student in Chorus or Voice Class that is really good, I will stop and ask "so - what instrument do you play - or DID you play?"  They are usually dumbstruck - how could I know that?? but it shows.  

    Consider the trombone first.  Like the violin family, there are not fixed position for the notes - you have to find the *perfect* intonation spot by ear.  So - you developed a great ear!  This will help you know when you are singing in tune.  Then - consider the piano.  You can rad both treble and bass clef, and since THAT instrument has fixed pitch - again, good for that skill.  ON top of that, the piano has independent rhtyhm structures in each hand - so your rhythm skills are good.  You also have played trombone in Band and Orchestra - so you know ensemble skills, including blend.  So your voice teacher essentially will work with you on tone quality, support (which again, form the trombone, is probably strong), endurance, vowel production, placement (where in your vocal mechanism the sound production should be) and similar skills.  Can you solfege?  Betcha you can learn in a wink, if you have not already done it.

    Singing requires that you AUDIATE - hear the pitch and rhythm, etc. in your HEAD before you produce it.  When you get a new piano solo, you say "I wonder what THIS sounds like!" and you play it - and hear it.  Vice works BACKWARDS - you need to learn to HEAR first.  This is why all instrumentalists also take ear training, and must SING their exercises.  Some of them HATE doing that ( last week, I wrote couple of posts to a girl about just that!).  

    Also remember that you voice does not sound to you like it sounds to others.  Piano, yes.  Trombone - well, almost, but there is STILL bone conduction through your jaw that makes you hear it differently than the audience does.  But VOICE - far more internal transmission of sound.  Get yourself a good recording device - there are ALL kinds of cool digital things for about $200 - and use it for all 3 things you do.  I record myself often, too.

    I wish you much luck - it really sound like YOU have your head on straight.  every day, there are dozens of Miley Cyrus wannabes who have no clue, and ask here about being famous.  But YOU, my dear, already KNOW how to work - so you will do JUST FINE!!!  Singing is a learned skill just like the trombone and piano - and everything else.  OK, at 5'8", I am never going to be a professional ballerina, but I could study and get GOOD at it - but that is entirely different than music.  All the best to you!

  5. I think you can do anything if you set your mind to it. I made a goal when I was 12 buy the time I'm 16 I can play 6 instruments. Many people doubted me but now I'm 14 and I play guitar, bass, piano, and violin well. Yes, you can be taught. It's just a bit harder because you don't exactly get a visual of how to sing a note like playing it on the piano.

  6. well two years ago i couldn't  carry a tune but i started private voice lessons and now i'm winning all sorts of honors :D if you can, give lessons try.
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