
Music quotes?

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i am making a music wedding cake. the cake is piano keys. but i am looking for a cute saying about music and life. i needs to be short((10 words max))





  1. Music is what feelings sound like.  -Author Unknown

    Love is a friendship set to music. -E. Joseph Cossman

    “Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and cannot remain silent” -Victor Hugo

    i think these are all great quotes. i adore the first one but maybe the second would be better for a wedding. the last is a little longer than you asked for but i felt it was too good to leave out.

    hope this helps in some way.


  2. face the music

  3. how about.... life is like the notes to a beautiful melody.

  4. Of all the music that reached farthest into heaven, it is the beating of a loving heart.
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