
Musical Curs?

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What moves do you need to have in a musical cur? and are there moves you cant put into it? I just wanted to try something new with my horse thought it would be fun! if anyone knows it would be so great to here from you!! thanks so much!!!





  1. It depends on what level you want to show at.   If you pick training level, then you cannot do canter piourettes, for example.   Look on USDF website.

  2. yes i know.. for training level...

    you need a minimum of 20meters walk

    20 meter circle working trot going left and right

    20 meter circle working canter going left and right

    1 loop in trot

    40 meters stretching frame in trot (does not have to be 20 meters each way)



    i found the test by putting 2004 USPC training level freestyle into google, and a couple websited down opened right to it! hope this helps =)

    It also must be under 5 minutes!

  3. You do what is in the requirements from USDF -- about the level you are riding at. If you are planning on showing a musical cur you must first get a qualifying score for it. For example, in intro curs you cannot make a 10 meter circle or smaller at the trot, etc. They also have certain required movements, like you must halt, you must make a 20 meter circle each direction, etc.

    Check out the various directions at USDF. :3 Good luck, and have fun putting together your cur, they're fun!

  4. Go to the USDF website and get a list of the technical components for the level you want to do your keur ( this is the CORRECT spelling of the word, not "cur", which means a nasty, ill bred dog or horse) at. They will also give you ideas for the artistic part of it, including the choreography. Keur riders are given two sets of marks- one for techical merit, and the second for artistic impression or composition and style. The technical side of things is where most of the major points come from, and in general, the rules allow you to complete the required moves in any order, and to repeat moves if you wish to, as long as you don't exceed the time limit for your ride. It's also permissable for you to take a calculated risk and do a movement which is one level above the level you are competing at- that shows you have initiative, and are progressing in yours' and your horse's training. Artistically speaking, what you want to achieve is a balanced performance which suits your horse well and is nice to watch. Keurs are supposed to be fun and entertaining for the audience- they are comperable to gymnastics or figure skating when done correctly. Your choice of music needs to be on the conservative side, however, and ANY MUSIC YOU USE MUST BE NON-VERBAL- that is, NO LYRICS or singing. Vocal music is prohibited by the rules in most cases.

    If you really want ideas on how to do an advanced keur, then I would suggest watching this summer's Olympics- if you can find a time when they cover this portion of the dressage competition. For the first time, there will be two components to winning the medals in that sport- each rider will recieve two sets of scores for two different events, and the one who gets the highest overall score for both will be the medalist. Those events are the keur and the grand prix- the grand prix special has been eliminated as a medal event.

    Hope this helps you out.
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