
Musical mode help?

by  |  earlier

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hey i just think i cracked the code for modes because i learned that if u play a c major scale thats equivalent to a minor or a major scale is equivelent to f# minor please tell me if im right




  1. That really makes no sense, but here is what I know. C natural minor is the same as Eb Major. The 'secret' to it is that if you build a scale starting on the 6th scale degree of a major scale, using the major scale pitches.

    C D E F G A B - CMA

    a b c d e f g - a natural minor

    same tones, different order. It works for all MA and natural minor.

    Good Luck

  2. if you learn the scale patterns.. then learn how to move them and locate the root note, the scales name  then you will know the modes and how to change scales.. it is not about learning a bunch of different scales. only 5 patterns

  3. i would answer your question...if I understood it.  please use punctuation/grammar so that i can follow what you're saying O_O

  4. Gotcha - I think.  If you play a C major scale, form C to C,  and THEN play that same C major scale but form A to A - you have the *natural minor* scale - or the Aeolian mode.  Same exact thing - as you stated - if you play A major scale, and then play it from f# to f# - you have the natural minor scale in f#.  These are called RELATIVE scales - because they share the same key signature.  Minor scales also have melodic and harmonic forms.  And there are MANY modes - the most common being the old church modes (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian - and the theoretical mode Locrian).  You can find the construction recipes for these on any decent music theory site - like  Like the previous responder said - they run from the 6th to the 6th note of the relative major scale.

    So - you are right!  You are just not finished.  Good luck - you have a lot of fun - and work - ahead of you.

  5. i'm not sure what you mean..

    but i know that to find the relative minor of a major scale you go down 3 semitones...

    i'm not sure if that will help.
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