
Musical theatre audtions 2mro! help memorizing?

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hi everyone. ok well im trying out for a part. and i just wanted to get other pepoles opinon on how to memorize! we got the monolouges today. and we have to memorize it by 2mro!

could u tell me how to memorize fast!? and be confident?

thanx in advance!!!! :D




  1. the best thing to do is to get a coach. Give him/her the script and then say, from the beginning what you remember. If you can't remember a line, have them tell you the line, make you say it five times or more and then repeat it from the beginning. Do this until you can do it all the way through, Then do it again. The goal here is to make sure you can say the lines without thinking. If you have to think, you are going to forget it on stage. It helps to add motions while you are memorizing it. Make sure to make the same moves in the same spot. Just keep reading it. Relax and you will do fine. Good luck!

  2. If you don't have anyone to practise with, i find that typing up the script in lines/sentances and making each sentance a different colour.  It just helps you seperate the scprit into sections so u dont have to remember one big block.

    Also, learn the background of the character. Or make one up if you dont know it. This will help you improvise if you forget the words. The worst thing to do when you forget the words is say ' Oh sorry can i start again' - Improvise! And if you know the background to the character that will be easy.

    Things to think about:

    *Age (how would the character deal with the issue at different ages? a 12 yr old is going to react differently to a 17 yr old.)

    *Upbringing (If they are from a well off family, poor? Abusive? are they spoilt? are theyre parents still together?Is there a step parent involved?)

    *Social life(If they have lots of friends, they may be confident, they may also feel lonely - having lots of friends is great but maybe they dont have any true friends that they can talk to, maybe the friends the character has are more like aquaintances and talk about each other behind each others backs.)

    *Fave colour (black...may be a dark mysterious character or may be insecure, Pink, may be an innocent character. Or you can turn pink into a nasty character, think of highschool type movies, e.g. mean girls, white chicks)

    *Fave music genre (characters who listen to pop music tend to be steriotyped as popular, trendy characters. You can also add a twist to this by having a character who is popular, stuck up, listens to pop music when she is with her friends but her true interest lies in classical music and her dream is to go to the opera but she cant because she is worried abour her reputation, shes embarressed)

    these are just ideas, but i hope they help. You need to really get into the character you are acting. Even just for a short monologue. It will help you big time, and if you know the character then the words wont matter so much and you can improvise, sometimes that is more powerful that recounting a script you have been given to learn.

    Obviously when you ahve moer time, you learn the script, and the background relly well and then you can use your inner dialogue to portray the background of the character with the same script the director wanted you to use.

    I hope this helps a bit.


  3. Learn the role (or the part of the script you have been given) first. If you memorize the words right now, you'll end up sounding sing-songy, anyway. So, learn the role ... learn the facts, get into the character ... put yourself in the character. Listen to the other part, if there is one (not if it's truly a monologue, like you stated, though). The words will come as you learn the role.

  4. Ok well, the best thing to do is pretend you're the charcter. Get a partner to study with and they read a line, you read a line. It helps for you to read it and someone to read it do you. read it five times and you'll remember it better. and don't panick. Panicking takes away concentration. Be the character and enjoy being the character.

  5. You were given monologues today for an audition tomorrow?! Are you sure they asked you to MEMORIZE it? What you've got there sounds more like a prepared reading. (Unless you are just waiting until now to memorize this and you've been given some time that you've wasted... than I'm afraid you're best bet would to be honest that you couldn't memorize it in time & to ask to use the script for the audition.)

    Since you have so little time, focus not on learning the words (I'm pretty sure that you are going to be able to use the script in the audition if they just gave it to you), but instead on making strong character choices. You should try doing the script two completely different ways. For the first go with your gut. For the second try doing it more comedic/ dramatic/ s**y/ childlike/ evil/ professional - whichever way works for the script.

    Remember to have fun with this! Make a really strong commitment to your choices, and try and be familiar enough so that you can take your eyes off the page & make a connection.

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