
Muslim, how do believe in the existence of God?

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any prove?




  1. This is why atheists make me laugh. They say they won't believe something without proof, yet there is no hard conculsive proof that Allah doesn't exsist.

    I believe in Allah becuase of all that is around me. Life and time and two very beautiful things, time is to ocmplex to even fathom, now you tell me that a human created time or that magically time created itself. I am sure you aware that things do not happen spontaneously. You leave a cup on a table and it doesn't spontaniously fall over unless there is an external force or energy acting on it. Neither would this same cup errupt and become so intellegent as to become a living breathing species, from nothing, only sponteneity. It's a ridiculous idea.

    Scientist themselves admit that they do not know where the original atom which created the universe came from. Now you give me proof of the origins of the atom that your whole belief system is founded upon. PLease don't forget that the atheist belief abou the origins of the universe is a theory, not a proven fact.

    My proof and guidance is all in a book. Seems the Muslims and the atheist are alike. Cannot prove something just rely upon books.

  2. Here is the Proof:;...

  3. well

    the miracles that happens?

    and if there s no God then who created the universe and humans etc...

    you should read quran

    you need to have a belief in the religion and that can be created by learning about it...

    there are too many proffs...

  4. Look around? Do you think this was one big accident? Who gave us eyes to see? lungs to breath? Food to eat? Water to drink? Who do you think is responsible in placing that earth in a certain direction so we don't freeze or get too hot? Look how the sun comes up and the it goes down? This was all not a coincidence! Anybody with a brain can see their is a higher power!

  5. See my answer in;...

  6. could you prove the opposite?


    Yes, you can't see him, you also couldn't see your brain but you can't deny its existence because of the MRI, but our minds have a limited capability to see and identify invisible things, we can't see the electromagnetic waves, we can't see devils, all of this because Allah (swt) created our brains in this way, and thinking in Almighty Allah is actually out of our imagination.

  7. Any proof there isn't a God?

  8. I for one don't need religion to follow god!

  9. Proof??

    Brother, look around you...Everything is proof.

  10. Ok, Why don't you prove to me otherwise that there is no god?

  11. everything surround me is a strong proof of Allah Almighty's existence ... <nature, human and animals > and on top of that the ever lasting proof the Noble Quran

  12. well i dont believe if there was a god he would care which way we found him or if we found him atall aslong as we had good morals, didnt harm others and made the most of our precious time on earth, he would probably be annoyed if we were to cause trouble in his name e.g. insulting others for what they believe honour killings etc etc

  13. Not to the one who asked,

    but the rest of you Muslims..

    please take this question a bit more seriously,

    and answer him with your proof..

    he may b needs it?

    as he isn't able to accept that God exists and He is our creator.


  14. Every Muslim believer has the seven codes of faith.

    Muslim's admit their truth of belief by tongue, and by heart, with the Kalimah's.

    Realisation and to know the Creator, it is necessary to possess spiritual knowledge.

    It requires concerted efforts with knowledge and devotion in the right direction to recognize the abundance of evidence of an all-powerful Creator around us!

  15. i didnt want your answer,but ask you to think..

    just look at the creation of sky,planet,earth itself....who make it moving without anyone to control..

    look at the creation of your own body,can you ever stop yur heart even for one second..

    if you use your brain,then you'll find the answer..

    in Islam,thinking is one of ibadah..

  16. my friend dont u ever think who is behind the creation of the universe,the planets,the moon.the sun and the earth itself and us and so on.i m sure this points towards one thing.All of this is created by Allah.

  17. I have a brain

    you didnt ask why u asked how.....

    wheres your brain now.....

  18. Quraan is our prove cause nobedy can write a book with too many mircles in it excepte God.

  19. A sheikh was asked by a group of atheists to prove the existence of Allah and they gave him a precise time to do so, but he came late on purpose when asked why he was late, he answered that a river had come in his way so he waited and then came a ship with no one on it and brought him to them. They all told him "come on man a ship with no captain that's impossible" then he told them "how could you deny the existence of the leader of this universe and you can't accept a ship to be with no captain?"

    AlShafii was asked to prove the existence of Allah and he replied "by a berry leaf" and then he was asked "how" he answered " when eaten by a silkworm it comes out silk when eaten by a sheep it comes out milk and when eaten by a deer it comes out musk"..

  20. Were they created of nothing, or were they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Surely, they have no firm belief. Or are the treasures of your Lord with them, or have they control over them? (Qur'an 52: 35-37)

    “Say: ‘Who is it that sustains you in life from the sky and from the earth? Who is it that has power over hearing and sight? And who is it that brings out the living from the dead and the dead from the living? Who is it that rules and regulates all affairs?’ They will soon reply, ‘Allah.’ Say, ‘Will you not then show piety to Him? Such is Allah, your real Cherisher and Sustainer: apart from truth, what remains but error? How then are you turned away?’” (Qur'an 10: 31-32)

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