
Muslim - Christian Wedding? Rings, Reception, Ceremony?

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I'm christian and my boyfriend is muslim from Senegal. Marriage has been a hot topic between us lately and he's mentioned he wants to marry me. He's mentioned more than once, "we don't wear rings", said he wouldn't wear a ring. I want a ring. Every girl wants a ring and an engagement ring. Is this permissable? I don't want to compromise all of me. There has to be some balance and compromise, but not where I lose myself or my identity. Can he get me a ring? Also, Is it appropriate to have both a muslim and christian ceremony or two separate? What day would be our recognized day? the day of the muslim ceremony or the christian. What are the dos and donts of the christian ceremony other than not having alcohol? I want some alcohol at the reception and some dancing do we pull this off without anyone being offended? I don't want to get married in a church but would like to have a traditional wedding. I'm ok with muslim ceremony. He and his family are very liberal




  1. I'm someone that had a muslim boyfriend and the question of marriage came up. In fact, his siblings are all married and they all have wedding bands and the wifes both engagement rings and wedding bands. I believe it's "old-school" not to get rings. However, if he's that way. You might suggest getting a "wedding-style" ring that's more contemporary. I would try like a titanium's a different feel and isn't typical for wedding bands. Try a site like -

    Oh! They have titanium crosses too, so you can get yourself   a ring and a cross to match.

  2. Muslim - Christian Wedding? Rings, Reception, Ceremony, DIVORCE.

  3. Tell him that you respect his culture and are not asking him to wear a ring, but, in your culture women do, so, see if he'll just get them as a gift (not as any type of symbol) . As for which ceremony would be considered the official date, what if you were to choose a totally different date (that means something to the both of you) & go to the courthouse to be "married". That way, you know what your legal date is, but, you can still have both religious ceremonies. Most muslim weddings do not have alcohol, so, if you have been dreaming of a big wedding in which people drink & dance, do that for your Christian wedding.

  4. from a muslim perspective a man can give it ring only if the intention are not to signify ",marriage" it can just be a gift doesn't have to have a label of our marriage lies in this far as alchol if you husband is a practicing muslim it is not allowed what so ever...and not to intrude but have you actually looked in the religion islam and read its ways of dealing in would have sumed all of your question with right resources...inshallah(if god wills) it will go great....

  5. Don't get married! You will be very unhappy for the rest of your life.

    Get away from that relationship NOW!!!

    Christianity, and Islam DO NOT mix.

    You don't want to hear this, but you will be sorry for your entire life if you marry him!

  6. Depending on the culture, some Muslims wear rings. He can get you an engagement ring and even a band as a wedding present and symbol of union. You can also buy him one or he can wear a band as a symbol of your union.

    You can have both ceremonies on the same day without a problem. Depending on how religious he is, Muslim weddings differ and are very country/traditionally based.

    I can tell you this right now that if you want a good marriage then skip the alcohol from this moment forwards because that'll cause alot of problems between you and him and his family. Alcohol is NEVER worth it. If his family is fine with dancing then go ahead and incorporate that into the wedding, otherwise save it for the pictures and your bridal showers.

    You have to understand that if you marry anyone from another religion who is practicing their religion then they will have reservations no matter what. For example, Jewish people will not eat pork, rain or shine, no matter how much one may love a Christian they will NOT accept pork at the dinner. Alcohol is the exact same thing for Muslims.

    There are many reasons for it and obviously the simple explanation is that alcohol is haram in Islam since it is an intoxicant and anything that intoxicates the mind and body will not be allowed. this is actually quite respectable on so many levels and honestly I know plenty of Christians who don't even serve alcohol because the last thing they want is to see a bunch of drunk/tipsy guests on their big day.

    Have to respect and understand this and realize that the wedding is just the beginning and you two need to learn to communicate and learn about your cultures and sometimes even compromise and alter certain things to build a great foundation and marriage for the two of you and possible family to come.

    If you're not a practicing Christian, yet he is a practicing Muslim, then please make an effort to learn about Islam, as well as his culture and traditions. If you are a practicing Christian then he should do the same for you. Either way you two need to find a common ground, which may to prove to be a challenge but if you love each other then it'll be worth it and good things may actually come from all this.

    All the best.

  7. It sounds like things are already very complicated for you....this is the time you should be loving life and enjoying each other.  If this has already begun to upset you, think of what is to come.  You need to have an open relationship where your voice will be heard & appreciated & acknowledged!!!  "Love" can cover things up for only so long - believe me, I've been there & if I could take it back...I would have never married (and divorced) my first husband.  I finally know what I need in a relationship and I have it now - - please, please, please....take my advice.  If you can't talk things out now & come to a compromise where you're BOTH HAPPY - you will not have a fulfilling marriage and you will wonder "what if"....

    I wish you the best!

  8. If you are a true Christian believer, I would recommend ending your relationship with this fellow immediately for many reasons.

    1. The Bible is pretty clear that you should not marry an unbeliever. This goes doubly for someone who has a faith that is so completely incompatable with Christianity.

    2. Muslim men typically change their stripes after you marry them. In their minds, you are their property after marrage, not an idividual.

    3. If you do marry him. Never go on a trip with him to a muslim country. If you do, you may never see your home again. They are entitled, by law, in muslim countries to keep you there against your will.

    4. If you have children, you will not be able to raise them as christians. You are setting yourself up for a lifetime of suffering over your family's eternal fate.

    My advice is run, don't walk, as fast as you can away from him.

    If you are not a believer, or if your faith means little or nothing to you, then marry him, but keep in mind that if it ever does become important to you, you will be in a very very bad situation.

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