
Muslim Girls who wear make-up: Do you still wear make-up during Ramadan ? do you wear it while fasting ?

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why ? do you think it's ok ..especially during this holy month ?




  1. away from Ramadan,

    me as i a man i dont like make-up girls put on.

    for me it makes them look worse... specially eye shadows and kohl or what is called eye outline

    maybe some nail polish and light lipstick is ok

    but for ramdan: it is recommended not to put lipstick

    about the issue of make-up it self: you can refer to this urls

  2. Make-up is fine as long as it doesn't stand out too much.

  3. Im at home and whats the point? Its gonna get washed off several times when u do wudu!

    If i was going to work i would put on very little just so i dont look like death!  

  4. i cut it down loadsduring Ramadan, just wear foundation and mascara to brighten my face a little.

  5. i don't really i mean sometimes ill put on some cover up and lip gloss but i don't l**k the lip-gloss so i cant taste it i think that's ok but i know eyeliner is wrong because your like putting it inside your eye

  6. i do, but i try to make it simple like eyeliner and concealer. is it wrong to wear make-up? tell me please


  7. I only wear khol or surma and mascara that's all.

  8. I do... is it wrong? I don't really know, please tell me if I'm doing something wrong.

    EDIT: @ Meekaal, ok just wanted to make sure, thanks. I just wear eyeliner on the bottom of my eyes because I wear glasses and you can barely see my eyes when I have them on, it's not like I wear lipstick, eyeshadow, blush and who knows what else.

    Oh yeah it's 'Kiss of Babylon'


  9. its forbidden to wear make-up out of the home. can only wear it infront of family and husband. and during ramadan you cant wear it, just like perfume. the whole point is purity.. if you put slap on your face sort of ruins the whole idea.

    as a muslimah we shouldnt be trying to make ourselves fixed up to attract again the opposite of what a muslimah should be like.

    same when soemone passes away you are not meant to wear make up. sign of respect.

    after all make up is for show... just need to think about it.    

  10. Just a note to "TheKeyofBabylon" (second answer):

    Dear sister, wearing makeup is form of Zeena (beautification) which is allowed in the presence of husband and all the other Mahrams (i.e. people whom you are not allowed to marry [explained in the Qur'an 24:31]) and also in case of women-only gatherings. However, I don't think it is allowed for women to wear much make-up when going outside to the public because it really would only attract the looks of other people, don't you think? I hope I am not bothering you with this answer but I guess it is not allowed to wear it in the public because the only purpose behind it is beautification which is not allowed to be shown to other non-Mahram males.

  11. There is NO relation of makeup to fasting and Ramadan.

    You may wear makeup as per your requirement and desire. Just maintain modesty and pious behavior and righteousness. Which is the objective of fasting.

    And all this can be done with or without make up. There is no relation between them.

  12. to be honest no!

    i read that make up is not forbiden in ramadan but it's forbiden to show it outisde home

    so Ramadan is a collectif moment to evit wrong habits , to be close to allah and to win paradise and that help sisters who make up outside to stop it

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