
Muslim Obama? 2-face Hillary? McCain...?

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what proof,besides that obama is wearing a muslim suit,do you have that he is muslim?

The explanation to that, (that i'm hearing) is he wanted to blend in with the rest while he was visiting.

others just say he is. i truly believe that hes not. is she 2 faced?

&im hearing rumours of her being racist?





  1. McCain spent all those years as a prisoner in Hanoi--with red Chinese interrogators.  Now in the past week he was seen eating in a Chinese restaurant with chopsticks....

    Proof he is a Manchurian Candidate!!!


  2. I don't understand why it is so earth shattering to see a politician abroad dressed in the native garb. There are pictures all over of public figures in these situations. There's Hillary with a traditional Muslim head covering and even Bush wearing some sort of Middle Eastern garment (sorry I don't have more specific details). If Obama had a more "American" sounding name, I doubt that the Muslim rumors ever would have started. As for Hillary being "two-faced" I don't know of any specific situations in which she has displayed racism. She's not my candidate of choice, but I will support her should she beat Obama. The bottom line is: don't believe everything you see or hear. For example, a friend of mine recently heard a rumor that Obama was endorsed by the KKK because they would rather vote for a black man that Hillary Clinton. A little research showed that the origin of this story was a satirical magazine in England, and was in no way meant to be taken as fact.

    My advice is to do some reseach and look at the candidates' records; do not simply rely on stereotypes (Ex: Democrats want to spend everyone's money or Republicans are only in it for oil). Don't be afraid to think for yourself instead of relying on what the media reports or what you see on the internet.

  3. Unless you like what Bush has been doing with our economy i wouldnt vote for McCain. He already stated on CNN, that they could call him McSame.

    Obama is the lesser of the evils in this case, be nice if someone could find some real dirt on him instead of making themselves look bad..

    Hillary showed how two faced she was in the debates, and in how shes dealing with the many lawsuits against her at the moment.

    Then she claimed she had alot to do with Bills term, but wont show any proof. She was the first lady her schedule was recorded and kept for record, just as every first lady.

  4. republicans blow,all religous and s**t,are u rich if not u shouldnt be votin' for a republican suburbanite

  5. I vote for Larry the Cable Guy.

    He can't be any worse than what's running...and his State of the Union Speech wouldn't put us all to sleep.

    And he'd plow right into Iraq and holler "Git R Done!" and that would be the end of that fiasco.

    And here's the real deal clincher-->He'd mow the White House lawn himself and save the tax payers millions!

  6. Mr. President

    President McCain

    Both would be fine with me!!!

  7. GO MCCAIN!!

  8. Oh, for pete's sake. Obama is Christian.  He was dressed in the tribal elder outfit when he went to Kenya to visit his grandma.  It wasn't a matter of blending in, it was his family's hometown honoring a relative that has done well in life.

    Hillary's not two-faced, just a good ol'boy (girl?) politician like any man out there running for office.  She's scary because she's actually a viable contender.

    McCain seems to be an ok guy, too for a politician.  My vote isn't for any of these three, but none of them is the antichrist.

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