
Muslim: Why Muslim man can marry 4 Wives?

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Muslim: Why Muslim man can marry 4 Wives?




  1. ONLY 4?. Dam I an not going to convert to Islam.

  2. Its not just Muslim, although most of the other people or faiths that use to allow polygamy stopped. I believe the base start of polygamy  was probably due to the fact that in the old days most people worked their own fields , hunted and so forth, thus if you had more wives you could have more kids (faster) and have more help.

       Plus in many areas if you had alot of daughters with arranged marriage you could see a profit since it wasnt uncommon to trade sheep, cattle, or land as a stipence to the girls family. Then later in the middle ages you sometimes seen it switch and woman would have a dowery that went to the husband.  

        On a side note i think its personally a form of self torture, one woman can be annoying enough image five of them telling you to mow the lawn or take out the trash geesh :p

          and ill be fair, girls think one guy leaves unfinished "home repairs", motor parts all over, and not have the word hamper in their vocabulary. Now multiply that by five you have to put up with every day.

  3. Because Arab man cannot control their lust, in the old days it is much worst hundred and hundred of concubine and mistress. Polygamy is also known as legalize adultery.  if you want to married 5 then you have to divorce any of the 4 wife that you doesn't like by saying. I divorce you Talak Satu so easy. And Muslim man can take any second, third, fourth wife without the permission of his wife. there is no verse/ayat in their book  that say man must have the permission of his wife

  4. Its a different culture. In the bible men had more than 1 wife. in the bible if your wife didn't produce a baby you could nail her sister. Do you still do that Christian?

    This is not a religious thing its a culture thing with some religious sides to it.

    Mormons are like Christians....they believed they could have multiple wives and some still do. They really believed this until Christians started killing them over it. Then god spoke to them and said they should stop....good timing.

  5. unfortanatly so can christans and jews and any other religon once they break up with the first women

  6. I love the idea.

  7. because there r more women on earth than men.

    men and women r born in equal proportion but in children females can resist diseases more than male.

    when they grow up because of car accidents and those in army ,police they die.

    Thus, men die more than women do.

    I don`t remember the whole thing but but u must know this person he is a famous orator his name is Dr. Zakir Naik.

  8. This isn't necessarily the whole truth. You need to do a little research into this.

    I will tell you this:  the husband is obligated to treat all of his wives EQUALLY. So it is a heavy burden and people don't usually take this on. There are some circumstances that it happens.

    Also, the wife has to approve of this as well. It isn't just the husband's choice.

  9. its part of their religion i think

    ~kelsey xoxo

  10. I know some of them have more than 4 wives, these muslim man love s*x and lazy t work, so more wives is better for working for the household.

  11. That's because, the female population has always been and always will be more than men. If the marriage ratio were to be 1:1, many women will never get married.

    As for men, it's not a simple deal for them to marry four women either, they have to pay each woman 'haq mehr' (money that she'll use in case the husband lets her go).

  12. hmm.. in the holy Quran in Surah An-Nisa' ( The women) Allah has stated :-

    "And if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphan­girls, then marry (other) women of your choice, two or three, or four but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one or (the captives and the slaves) that your right hands possess. That is nearer to prevent you from doing injustice. (An-Nisa 4:3)"

    Poligami is not a "must do" or "wajib" that you will be a sin if you don't practise it under Syariah Law. It's permisable practise. therefore It's not an order, but from the verse above it means if you can't be just, it is haram.

    There are two conditions that must be fulfilled if he want to marry more than one:

    1) have the financial and sexual ability.

    He must able to give the wives the appopriate homes, clothes,and provide education to the kids and other fundamental matters including s*x. If he can't, he isn't allowed to practise poligamy.

    2)Be just to his wives

    He can't be bias to each wife. He must be just in providing the home becouse it is advisable to provide the wives a different home to avoid misunderstanding and jealousy.

    He must be just in scheduling the time with each wife. If he puposely spare his time more between the wife and the other, it is a sin "berdosa".

    He must be just when going for outstation. he must do a voting or outstation schedule regarding which wife will be accompanying him during the trip.

    Therefore if a muslim can fulfill all the above matters, Islam granted him to practise poligamy.

    Allah knows best!

  13. Because is ALLOW !Malaysia max 4 . Singapore need to apply " licence " many other Muslim countries is up to you ! **** For non Muslim , we can " keep "  as many as we can. but it  will make prices of Tong-Kat-Ali  become very high .

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