
Muslim Women : What are the qualities of Mohammed which you adore ?

by Guest59151  |  earlier

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  1. 1. He (pbuh) is a mercy to all mankind.

    2. Very patient and never mistreated anyone, even when he knew who the hypocrites were, he never exposed them. He was just cautious around them.

    3. He is known as Habeeb Allah (Allah's love), which is a great honour indeed. And he is my Habeeb too.

    4. I adore the way he was with his wives, very loving, caring, and fair.

    5. He was fair and just with everyone, and i adore how he carried the message of Islam to all mankind. If it wasnt for him, I wouldnt be the person I am today.

    He's my rome model, and i love him very much. Allahumma salli 3ala sayyidna Muhammad wa alihi wa sahbihi al tayyibeen altahireen  

  2. he is really calm not like most men nowadays they snap at the simplest thing

  3. every single quality of the prophet [s.a.w.] is adored by all true muslims men / women from around the world to such an extent that they study his qualities and try and practise upon it

    send peace and blessings upon him sallalahu alayhi wa sallam

  4. 1. Humbleness,

    2. kindness,

    3. honesty and sincerity towards Allah and the muslims,

    4. addiction to prayers that may hurt his legs at times,

    5. his kindness to his wives

    6. his justice

    and much more!!

    WAIT i'm not a woman!! but it's okay -.=


  5. justice patient smartness romantic and faith  

  6. his humbleness,diplomacy,there are to many qualities uf the prophet to adore.  

  7. 1) He always helped his wives around the house

    2) He never hit any of his wives

    3) He was very loving towards his wives

    4) He treated all his wives equally

    5) He respected his wives very very much

    There's lots more!

  8. isn't that like asking christian women which qualities of jesus christ they adore?

  9. I adore God more !i

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