
Muslim Women in America? Wearing a Hijab?

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After watching a news program about a women on CNN and her story I actually now understand why one may consider wearing a Hijab. I believe that most Middle Eastern Women are beautiful and when they hide this beauty it is even more attractive. Some of her comments suggested that our culture of women "Western Culture" that their lives revolve around on materialistic things,trying to be beautiful by make-up,cloths and emulate false idols such as Britney,J-lo etc... Basically her comments suggested that the women of the Western World are somewhat sleazy and have no respect for themselves by the way they dress and the actions in which they live their life.

I actually agree with her.

Question: Are women of todays society values gone to the gutter?




  1. Gender expectation and the Culture are closely related. If you agree with the Mid-Eastern woman, it's your point of view. No one's going to force you to change. And, to answer your question, I don't think they are. I think the pursuit of materialistic things and beauty are better than concealing the beauty in a scarf worrying about something that can be prevented.

  2. The hijab is cultural. Not religious. It may be worn by most middle eastern women, but it is not Islamic. There are many muslims that dress European or dress like an American you see today. It is mislabled as being Islamic all the time.

  3. Perhaps.  You see Islam is a religion.  They wear what they do because they feel strongly about it about their beliefs.  I'm an 'all or nothing' type of person, and I totally respect what their doing.  However, some religions don't require a hijab or anything of the sort.  They probably do have values, they just don't involve a headscarf.  

    But although I'm an athiest I understand and respect religions, so when the Bible says don't be a s**t, it means don't be a s**t.  I think it's amusing how some so-called religous females completely betray their belief system.  But men do it too!

  4. I wear my Hijab wherever I go.  I never leave home without my Hijab.  The women who choose not to where their Hijabs are cool.  But I will continue to wear my Hijab.

  5. The only use I would have for Britney Spears is if she would do my yard work at a fair price.

    Why does everyone assume that "all Western women" are white women under age 25?

    And why single out women? Among the same crowds of Britney Spears wannabes, the young men aren't exactly aspiring to be Stephen Hawking.

  6. Middle Eastern women wear the Hijabs because men are not allowed to see their female form and be tempted to rape them.  It's typical of the male brain - blame the women for inciting their hormones.  So they make the women cover up.  Some women get rocks thrown at them if they show a hint of skin.  Beautiful they are but their beautiful souls are going to waste.

  7. Hopefully she doesn't feel that way about all Western women, as most of us are pretty middle-of-the-road when it comes to dress. As for celebrities, well, that goes without saying. But they don't represent average Western women by a long shot.

  8. I think it would be better for men to put bags over THEIR heads and then they wouldn't have to corrupt themselves in light of their feeble Will and self-command with visions of beauty and prosperity.  They could take their bags off alone in a dark room with their holy books as they whip themselves on many morbid dimensions for being weak and blaming others for their weakness and they could wallow in their dogmas and latent homosexual brotherhoods of the cloth whilst women bathed elsewhere in peace and soothing milk someday without such moronic maleness stinking up the place always.  Women are rising above the "gutter" of the Master / Slave moralities.  Who cares if that offends the meaningless pet set of "values" of oppressive men who should have been wearing bags over their heads a LONG time ago.

  9. So you blame the women for inciting your hormones? It takes two to tango, bud. A man needs to learn how to control that snake in his pants.

    EDIT: And Muslim women in American can wear the hijab all they want. I see nothing wrong with it. They are simply sticking to their cultural roots.

  10. As a Muslim woman living in the west I do feel the pressure to adhere to certain rules of behaviour and certain definitions of beauty. It is a constant battle for me because I feel eternally torn between two very distinct ideologies, nevertheless I do not see it as as battle between good & evil, right & wrong, moral & immoral - instead it is a battle of belonging.

    The Qu'ran speaks of modest dress for women, however it doesn not speak of woman as temptress, blamed for the fall of man from the garden of Eden. The hijab is seen as protection for women, NOT as a form of imprisonment. To understand such a logic, one has to be familiar with the context of pre-Islam Arabia!  

  11. First of all, head scarfs, hoods and what not have been mislabeled as being Islamic. People can't wear a head scarf now without being considered muslim, which is a religion I find to be in reality nothing more than a terrorist organization. Secondly, sleazy women like that are the ones that men pay attention to the most, which is why they do it in the first place. Girls that dress modestly don't get that kind of attention, be it good or bad.

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