
Muslim and christian fellows, do you think there are ties between us?

by Guest10843  |  earlier

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Check the following link and tell me what do you think if you are interested**1




  1. Jesus Christ

  2. yes Islam is based on Jewish religion and Christianity

  3. there is a common similarity btwn all e religions aftr all-teaching us abt life n living as a law aviding citizen

  4. Yes this is the only tie we believe in:

  5. Since the beginning of time its human and animal nature to "worship" something.  It could be an animal, the moon or even your car! Unfortunately the roots of our longing to worship a higher power is derived from somewhere.   Did you know that you can have one citrus tree bring forth grapefruit, oranges, lemons and limes all at the same time?  Yes its possible, its called grafting.  The same is with all religions that believe in a higher power. The roots are the same unfortunately through time, satan has grafted and perverted the truth so much, that we cannot recognize the true vine anymore.  Without recognizing the true vine, our fruit is powerless.  That is powerless against satan.

    Remember, Lucifer, aka Satan was God's right hand man at one time.  In fact, once again as Judas, he was the right hand man of Christ!  You see, God shows us that Satan is not outside the church, but inside!  In fact, he is one of us and most likely the right hand man of your denomination.  Take heed and be watchful for that is the truth. Don't take anything for granted! especially your salvation.

    Finally, don't be discouraged if you think you have been deceived all these years, because the same entity that deceived you, deceived me and has deceived a third of the angels in heaven!

  6. as for that link its just to much double talk  you must go back in the bible to Abraham when all religions cams from  also when Abraham was tricked into giving his Blessing to the wrong Son

  7. No.

    Muslims think Jesus was a prophet

    Christians believe He's the Son of God.

    That large difference right there erases any smaller similarities if there were any.

  8. there are huge ties and only small differences. let me explain to you what happened. there was 1 message and then that  1 message got spread , east to the west,.. now you know that "telephone game" where there is like 20 people sitting in a circle, and 1 person whispers a sentence in the next persons ear and it goes all the way around, when it comes back to the original person the message is like different and changed because people added in their own stuff, thats just how judaism , christianity and islam came to.

    the message of all 3 still remain the same, and at this point in time, its really all just "common sense" type stuff.

    we spend too much time magnifying the small differences when we should work together in binding ourselves by our massive ties and connections.  

  9. ............

    YES there are, if you can see them.


  10. no muslims have ties whith the satanic bibble not chritistians.

  11. The only tie we might have is through the election of God. In that case, Muslims would be Christian instead of Muslim. To deny the Son is to deny the Father; the God who sent His Son.

  12. Christians beleive in Jesus and Muslums believe in Muhumad. That's the difference between them.

  13. I believe that all the major religons in the world have very strong ties towards one anouther.  

  14. islam isnt bases on jews that answer was very wrong! and yes we do have alot of things in common infact most of our beliefs are the same!

  15. Lots of links, we are more alike than we are different BUT if we are playing  "Holier than thou" and "My God is bigger than your God" we are never going to get anywhere. It is time for "The people of the book" to grow up and stop squabbling; we have all allowed the people who seek political power in the name of their faith to have control. I can't see a united faith alliance allowing the invasion of Iraq or the bloody reign of a tyrant like Saddam Hussein can you? if we stop the point scoring we can really do God's work.The trouble is the people who benefit from these false divisions have got everyone too tied up with notions of false loyalty  to step out of line. Best Wishes.

  16. Of course.  Both are fiction.

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