
Muslim girls, lol what do you think of this...?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know whether to see it as a compliment or an insult... Your thoughts =D

And guys, do you even feel this way?




  1. they are disgusting dirty postbox looking ninjas

  2. na no offence taken but when a girl is covered a guy is curios to see whast behind da veil n most muslim girls have a fit body and good routines due to their religion

    if u find a muslim girl hot theres plenty

  3. i disagree with #6

    women should have the right to work

    and my future ambition is to become a successful neurologist...inshallah

    and i prefer working

    i see the site as

    just in between..if u know what i mean

  4. i dk but i perfer six,two,and seven  

  5. i found that rather funny...but more to the good side...#6 is a bit stereotypical...muslim women dont just stick around with the housework...they get the housework done and get on with careers...i can speak up for that...we're multi-talented!!!!!!!

  6. That's funny lol... I'll take it as a compliment, but we Hijaabis don't really need an article like this to big us up 'cos we already know we're beautiful innit ;)

  7. This is just to get singles on this dating site.

    How many women want to be to be only a house wife.

  8. lol! datz me!~itz a compliment!but da last 1 sayin muslim women work at home..itz kinda insulting since i wanna b a obstetrician!


  9. well, we know about there problems, I would just wish, they would leave us alone with all this nonsense!

  10. Hmmm...I guess it can be interpreted as both a compliment and an insult. The author was making compliments based on assumptions and prejudices, which can be insulting...

  11. yes

    Muslims girls are bretty and naturally beautiful.

    its deffinitely a combliment

    even my answer say muslim girls are naturally beautiful and hijab make them more beautiful

  12. I found that as a compliment!! lol The guys in my town always come ask me why muslim arab girls are so hot *blush* and they start asking questions on how to convert lol. I thought that article was funny and did not get inulted at all.

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