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i'm muslim and i'm wearin a veil( hijab ) but i was thinkin' to turn my self into emo or punk so how can i wear clothes and make-up to turn into an emo girl ?? thnx
Ummm hey gUys !
I am a Hijabist Girl , i'm not actualy a new one , i've been coverin my head since i was 11 years old , and yes I am totaly an EMO , i've been judjed by everyone , my family , my friends , teachers and other , noW i'm 15 and day after day , i became more and more a EMO , hipster kid !
all oF my cloths are black , i'm not allowed to wear make up , but sometimes i just put a lil of black eyeliner , and I adore my neklesses and stuf ,,,,also i'm a big fan of balck veil brides , the band that actualy saved my life a milion times .....now all that i can sa to you is .... just be yourself , if yyou're seeking for attension and that's why you want this style so bad , just let it go , but if it's You and you really need to be a emo kid than just be .... wear a lot of black , stay away from clors and stuff ... make you're owne emo style and f**k what they think !
Report (0) (0) | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
Heii ..
I'm a muslim girl and i'm an emo, it's not just about the looks, it's about the way you feel aswell and the way you are. You can be emo it's your choice, to be honest i've got alotta c**p in my life, and I don't give a d**n about my parent's it's not their life so forget them, do what you want to do, be who you want to be, it's your choice your life enjoy it!
L <-♥-> J
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hi im muslim nd i also cover. i had the same problem. i would go on websites nd see if i waz the only one. i consider myself emo. i basocally wear only a black hijab and some skinny jeans,a shirt dat covers my behind(usually a band shirt or a shirt frum hot topic) i also wear eyeliner nd some eyeshadow. i plan on getting my eyebrow pierced nd some other parts of my ear. i think u shuld totally be emo but dont give up Islam try to stay inside the rules. i actually get complaments nd praise for being an emo muslim. ppl think its unique dat i can express my self in a kewl way nd still be intact with my religion
im a muslim veiled girl who is a metal fan since ever ......and im tellin u
u cant become punk or emo just lik that
its not about the look , its all inside and how much u lov the music and how u feel the lyrics ... or your gona be just a poser
so peace and keep on rokin
ninacobain666@hotmail.fr is my email
Latest activity: 10 years, 11 month(s) ago. This question has 4 answers.