
Muslim man dating Catholic women?????

by  |  earlier

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I'm 19 and have been with my boyfriend for about 6 months now. His dad is Muslim and his mom, who was Christian converted to Muslim when she married his father. He is also a Muslim. Now that its ramadan he told me that he cant kiss me, hold my hand, or do anything sexual with me. He said all he can do is hug me. I asked him if after sunset if he can kiss me and he said no he cant do anything for the whole month.

He said he cant because " it can lead to temptation". I found this odd because we are both virgins and both waiting for marriage until s*x. I don't understand why he can not even hold my hand..and not even after sunset.

Is this true???




  1. Often during Ramadan Muslims will try to refrain from sinful behavior that they take part in the rest of the year.  It's not considered proper for a Muslim to "date" or hold hands or do anything sexual with a woman he is not married to, so it's likely that your boyfriend is just trying to "behave himself" for Ramadan.  Maybe instead of worrying about sharing physical affection, the two of you could work on some of the emotional parts of your relationship this month?

  2. its his religion, if you cant respect it, then youll always have a hard time with it, find a christian boyfriend or sumin, they bone b4 marriage! you horney girl you!

  3. Watch very closely for his suggesting a 'misyar' marriage.  This bizarre custom allows him as a Muslim to have a 'temporary marriage' with all the sexual goodies and then leave you cold after a predetermined time.  He can't marry you if you're not Muslim, but he can arrange a 'misyar' marriage with you, an infidel.  One of the good Muslim men at our university tried to pull this on a virgin Hindu woman, until she reseached what it is on the internet and turned him down in utter disgust.

  4. yes, he can't hold you hand, also he shouldn't even hug you.

    but, there is a way that you could make this work.

    here is the thing:

    you are catholic right? so you have a book, the Holy Bibel.

    and in Islam Muslim men can marry weman from a religion that has a book. the religions from God, the God of Abrahim.

    so if you two get married in the eyes of Islam, you'll be fine.

    also you could convert to Islam and then marry him in the eyes of religion/Islam, but then it will require the permission of your father.

  5. Find a guy that is less extreme.

  6. yes its true, in Islamic law he shouldnt be doing any of that in the first place

    u should just get married, to further avoid any more sins

  7. no, you can do whatever the h**l you want

  8. well for a start your boyfiend is a hypacrit he has a girlfriend which is haram in islam to begin with, he cannot touch you at all even when it isnt ramadan as it is haram because you are not married, so for him to say he can only hug you is completly ridiculous. if you yourself are a god fearing women ( you dont nessasserly  have be muslim to be a god fearing women) you should tell him this and after you should respect what he is doing as it is for his own good.

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