
Muslim man in Dubai wanting to be with me, Is he for real or not?

by  |  earlier

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I (American woman) started talking to this guy on yahoo messenger and on the phone for 4 months In 2006. Throughout those months he was telling me how much he likes me, me being beautiful, and even asked me to marry him (which I said no because I was young and didn't know him that well). He wanted me to trust him so much that he sent me a copy of his passport and Id which I think had his social security number on it, but after a incident that involved me talking to him on the phone he decided to turn his back on me and not help me with the financial problem. While getting upset with him for not trying to help me or even talk to me about the situation, I then realized I was starting to depend on him and not turn to God instead. So I quickly forgave him for not helping me and turned to God who delivered me from the financial problem.

Ever since then I haven't spoken to him and even forgot about him, because of what it says in the bible about not being yoked with unbelievers (people who don’t believe in Jesus Christ) which so far Muslims are. And because of me reading from other people about how Muslims treat their wife’s like slaves and beat on them. Now all of this happened in 2006, its now 2008 and just recently for some reason I started to remember him and tried to communicate with him again. Assuming that he probably forgot about me and moved on, surprisingly he was instead so happy that I was talking to him again and also told me that he believes in Jesus Christ when I asked him. Which is hard for me to believe because I don’t know him that well and am still suspicious about him a little, he still wants me to come down there to Dubai to visit him, but I’m not sure if I should. So I wanted to know from other American women who been through this situation before or anyone who knows about situations like this, on what I should be aware of. Thank you for you’re help and advice! PS: I do like him, especially his baby smile and how he talks, here is a picture of him!




  1. if i were you i'd take the safe lane, you haven't met each other in person and frankly i bet you don't know much about each other yet, if he really likes you then HE should come to you,.. that way, you'll really know he likes you for a person, not juz cause you're american,... he has to prove to you that he didn't say he likes you so you'll like him back and he's not expecting you to help him financially or in other ways beneficial to him,...

  2. hi =)

    I think it's great that you found a guy that you like and have interest in , but you gotta consider that you don't really know this man even though you talked to him, cuz talking to someone is a very different thing than actually meeting him , i mean you could get shocked when you meet him and maybe regret that you ever met him . if you decide that you are gonna visit Dubai i think you should go there with a positive attitude , Dubai is a great city to visit , i have been there several times ( i live in a gulf country :D) , it's a very fun place to visit with all the unimaginable activities that you could do. i mean like if things don't work out ,you could always remember the trip to Dubai as a nice vacation .

    And a lot of American ( and European ) women marry guys from the middle east , it's a VERY common thing , you would be shocked by the number of guys married to American woman , it's a huge thing that has been going on for years , that a lot don't know about . and a lot of these relationships are very successful , but like any relationship or marriage , things may not work , regardless of the individual's nationality or faith . and as far as violence and Muslim men beating their wives , i can't say it doesn't happen just like i can't say that it doesn't happen in the U.S , as we all know in every 8 seconds a women is abused by her husband. also when you judge something you have to know like the roots and basics of this thing , you can't judge a book from it's cover , so like if a Christian man beats his wife , doesn't mean that Christianity is a religion of violence and we all know it's not . same as Islam , some Muslims may commit the crime of beating their wives , but from what i understand of Islam, it's is forbidden to hit a women . also Muslims believe that god created this universe, and he created Adam and eve , and that he created all the angels , and that the devil ( Satan) is man's enemy , they also believe that god sent messengers to guide people, ( Abraham , Noah, Moses,Jesus ....) and they also believe of the miracle that Jesus Christ was born with no father ,  they consider Jesus as one of god's prophets that god send to guide people , but they do highly respect him just like they respect Muhammad , whom they believe is the prophet that god sent after Jesus, and that Muhammad is the last prophet that god sent , they also believe in the Torah , and the Bible , they believe that god indeed sent these books but that the original texts were lost , and that the existing books are not the same as god sent .finally they believe in the day of judgment and in h**l and heaven .

    I'm sorry if i insulted anyone , or have mistaken in any of the info .I hope I have helped you , i wish you all the luck .



  3. hmm? Each relationship is different.. But I dont put too much store into internet relationships.. Especially where you cannot meet locally to decide anything.. I would never travel around the world to meet someone I just met over the net..

    Im an american women married to a saudi man (I also am saudi, but was born and raised in USA, so as to my cultural background, Im all american in the sense)..

    anyways.. You are christian, he is muslim... There are differences.. but similarlities.. First off we muslims DO believe in Jesus.. We hold him to the highest esteem.. He is one of our dearest prophets.. so much so that there is a whole book in our Quran titled mary! named after the virgin mary.. He is mentioned many times in our Quran.. We are NOT muslims unless we believe in him..

    having said this though.. We DO NOT believe he is of divine nature, meaning son of God.. we believe he is human in all sense and just given the powers of miracles by God and only God.. Jesus of himself does nothing without the power of God... thats where the difference lies..

    You might want to read up on Islam if you want to pursue this relationship to have a healthy understanding of what he thinks..

    Also when you mentioned he didnt want to help you financially. maybe he doesnt have the means to.. Not every arab man is wealthy.. that is a western stereotype of  the arabs here.. There are representatives of all classes.. poor, middle, and wealthy.. So he might just not have the savings or funds to help you.. that is something to think about.. You if you decided to come, might end up with a lower middle class man.. Can you handle living by meager means? some women wouldnt mind..

    Muslims dont treat their wives like slaves though.. In fact women are idolized and treated with the utmost respect like Queens here.. Sure there are men that treat their wives bad.. So it is in the west also.. Everywhere in the world.. But Islam highly disallowes this...

    Have you seen this man on a live video cam? Pictures can be fake you know... That image you showed up there, looks like the coloring has faded and it looks about 15years older (not the man, but the photo, like something from the early '80's...

    Also some poorer men want American women just to get the green card.. maybe he is wanting that.. You never know..

    I think in my honest opinion.. it could work.. but it would take real effort on your part.. Why not just not throw all your stones this way and be open to finding a good man where you are.. One that you can actually see and touch instead of a photo... someone REAL...

    Good luck and May God bless you! ^_^  

  4. I am a local from Dubai....this is definitely not a local person from UAE..

    He is an expatriate pretending to be a local...Please do not trust

    someone so easily it will only lead you to get hurt at the end...

  5. I guess you are starting to feel like you want to be a slave again, that's why you are thinking of him.

  6. i think its time to move on in your life, all of us go back in our memories and think about past friendships, but we should never go back

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