
Muslim sisters what do you think of the following statements?

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It is advisable that a wife under takes all work regarding her husband’s home unto her own hands.

Polygamy is perfectly within the rights of any man in which the wife/wives has/have no say. The legalized limit however, is four wives at any single time with the strict condition of equal rights and treatment in every possible aspect of marital life.

The option to pronounce divorce or to cancel a provisional divorce rests purely with the husband.

A dissatisfied wife, for whatever the reason, is within her rights to demands the dissolution of marriage which is known as Khula. It is an option considerable by the wife as a means of securing divorce by returning a part of full amount of the dowre as agreed upon by the husband-but which is effective only upon the husband’s acceptance.




  1. i dont think any of these statements make any sense and its high time women have the guts to stand up against all this nonsense. marriage is a sacred bond between 2 souls. any man having more than 1 wife... i mean it sounds completely absurd. i know there are people who do all this , but its our fault that we let men do this to us. and as 4 divorce rights. the laws are with us. we dont need to give dowre or anything. and regarding work at home... i feel it must be equally distributed.. not forced upon... what is required is that we should stop taking bullshit. we have equal rights to be happy in life

  2. I don't agree with the following statement at all. Women should have equal rights as men. Women are often treated as puppets, and that is simply wrong. We have a say and we are definitely not a toy which you could turn on and off as you will. We are people with emotions, and have a right to take control of our lives. Marriage is not a business deal, therefore I don't believe in dowry at all. In fact the people who believe in giving limited to no rights to women need to change their mentality. Times have changed now a women can fight for her rights and take their own decisions as well.  

  3. What do I think? I think that muslimahs need to keep a happy, healthy household. That includes, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of your husband and children if you have them. Notice it says ADVISEABLE. Nowhere does it say the man cannot helo, neither that the wife MUST do all those things, although I must say they make a happier and healthier household and relationship between the husband and wife. That being said, I personally am thankful to have a husband that helps me around the house, as we both work and I am getting my degree for law. I'm sure any muslimah would be thankful Inshallah for a husband that helped her.

    As far as polygamy goes, my husband will NEVER marry anyone else while he is married to me. Islam clearly states that a mean can marry if he can treat all four (or however many there are) EQUALLY. realistically speaking, this is almost if not certainly impossible. Depending on how many kids each wife has with him, they recieve more money, bigger houses or more of the house if they live together, etc.

    And women have rights too. Unless a woman signs a marriage contract that states that she HAS NO power to file for divorce, then she has every legal and religious right to obtain a divorce with just reason.

    I see no reason why the dower would be given back...he took things from her just as she took from him. Marriage is a balance of GIVE & TAKE. But whatever they agree on is fine, it is that couples' business as long as they both agree.

    I really don't understand who is thumbs-downing all these muslimahs. It's their opinions so stop judging. For those of you thumbs downing, just because you disagree doesn't mean their answer is WRONG.

    Think about that.

    Wasalaam Alaikum.

  4. 1. Taking care of your husband is not an obligation, but is considered a gift to him from you. This includes cleaning, cooking, etc. It is not the wife's obligation to care for a husband, but it does contribute to a pleasant household.

    2. Polygamy is not allowed in Islam today.  "And if you be apprehensive that you will not be able to do justice to the orphans, you may marry two or three or four women whom you choose. But if you apprehend that you might not be able to do justice to them, then marry only one wife, or marry those who have fallen in your possession. " (4:3).  Clearly, since man CANNOT treat four women exactly equally, then he cannot marry more than one. In the cases where men CAN marry more than one, the first wive's permission is an essential component.

    3. Muslims women can request the right to divorce in their marriage contract. many do not do so purely out of ignorance.

    4. Women are usually paid money by the husband after divorce for a period of a year to secure her maintenance.  She returns the dowry if this condition is met.

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