
Muslim women.. what do u plan on cooking for the first day of Ramadan? Guys can answer too!?

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Inshallah, im planning on making koosa (stuffed zuchinni) and dawali (stuffed grape leaves) with lamb ribs. And of course vegetable soup, coz we have to have soup before eating a heavy meal. And also im gonna make tabbouli.......

oh and dates for breaking the fast.




  1. My mum ususally make's sharba, some rice and potana anbutna.. i know i love it and im gonna ask her to make me some kufta.. and kemea.. ahh this is making me hungry... : - )

  2. I sadly, don't know how to cook.

  3. I always make maklooba, yogurt & cucumber salad, and lentil soup the first day.  Its kind of a tradition in our house.

  4. hmmm...we will eat dates of course...some somosas, some pakoreh...mmmm i hope my mom makes biryani...yah i'm a pakistani gotta luv it! I hecka wanna go to the masjid for the iftar's too, they sometimes have arab food, i tried that dawali stuff at my friend's grad party, they are SOO GOOOD!

  5. Well, I'm only 14, and I'm still learning how to cook, but I'm pretty sure my mom might make Samosa. Because we love it! Also, some other things, too, but I forget. I can't wait till Ramadan!!!!

    Your sister,

    Jee Jee


  6. Koosa sounds good but I hope my mom makes mansaf  (hope you know what that is)

  7. mashallah I can tell your a Palestinian, you menu sounds like the one in my kitchen! lol!

    inshallah were having mansef!

  8. My mom makes  pakoras ,samomas,  fruit chat.Biryani and other dishes in the month of Ramadan.What is she going to make on the first  day of ramadan, i have no idea. Only God knows that .:)

  9. i gonna tell my mother to make some "Kupta", i love Kupta!!!

  10. ramzan is still a month and a half away...and btw im not a cook..i eat what my mom cooks and it's delicious :)

  11. Inshallah i'll be making "sambusa" its an egg roll stuffed with beef, onions, green pepper.......and all the goody goods, "bur" made of Flour, aslo dates for breaking the fast mmmmmmmmmmmmm..=)

  12. well depends on the culture of where you live.. YOu dont have to cook traditionally middle eastern foods..

    if you like fried chicken mashed potatoes gravy and a salad.. so be it...

    just that you need to break your fast with light nutricious foods.. and a breakfast meal is similar to "breakfast" in any culture.. the meal you eat when waking up in the morning.. eggs, toast, maybe some hot tea/coffee, pancakes. cereal.. it can be this also... .. if your area where you live you cant get ahold of real date fruit, then use whatever fruit you have in yoru area.. fruit is always good to eat when you are breaking any fast... ... so it really doesnt matter what you cook..

  13. lol you already have your meal planned out this far in advance! hahaha..

    i havent thought about what we're going to eat, but i think ill make this ramadans theme "italian food" (last year was turkish food)

  14. We eat Iftaar and dinner at the Masjid every day in Ramadan, so no Iftaar at home.

  15. We usually go to the masjid to break our fast but my mom makes  shurba (barley soup) she makes 2 types one with milk and the other with ground beef; she usually makes it for the masjid. Whenever me or my sister try to help my mom make it, it just never comes out right and everybody knows lol, so we leave that to her. And we also make sambosa :)

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