
Muslima as housewife...???

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Lol i got many thumbs down for saying that i will cook, clean my house and raise my babies when getting married.

So, If ur married or going to get married soon.

u wont cook,clean and raise ur kids??!!




  1. my dad helped out my mom when they were getting married, when she was pregnant, and even when we were born and she was sick he was like the BEST person EVER!!!  Of course you will cook, clean, and raise ur kids. It's just it's nice to have like a babysitter look after ur kids and feed and clean them while you like go to the spa for the day or something!!!   :]

  2. a good muslim husband shud help when his wife is in great difficulty, same as a wife helping her husband.  if there are injustice amoungst the couple, Allah almighty had warnned us.  be faithful to ur wives, be like a protective coat for them.

    there is heavenly reward sister if u look at other way, of course u shudnt do everything, but do what is nessary as a wife and mother. inshah Allah, Allah is all knowing and aware of all affairs.  May Allah help us all to be faithful to one another. ameen

  3. i think it would be great if you did all those !  

  4. It should be shared responsibility especially in today's world, cuz men aren't the only bread winners.

  5. Dude.. Gabra panjab da or whatever your name is.. can you please write in english so we know what your saying !!???


    Thumbs up for Kinza's answer    : )

  6. People thumbs down right answers all the time, don't worry about it, I think they do it so they look better or it makes it easier for them to find their question and vote for themselves later on.

  7. inshAllah sis, i'm sure u'll be a lovely mum and wife inshAllah :)

    May Allah swt make ur days happy always, amin <3

  8. Theres nothing rong with that.. justit shows alot of people have jealousy against u.. u should be proud.. i want to be a husband and help my wife ofcourse and then again i dont want to marry..:)

  9. People may say whatever they want to, but the fact is, husbands like their wives as a good housewife. looking after house, home, family. thats what a husband expects from his wife and a good muslimah should be like that. I give u thumb up for your intentions :) ~!

  10. Dont worry about thumbs down...

    But you make it sound as if that is all we are good for...

  11.   Good for you sister.

      Insha'Allah when I get married that's what I want my wife to concentrate on.

  12. I'll clean the house, and take care of the kids, but my husband has to cook, I have no idea how to!

  13. Hi Sera Bella,

    I know a prominent Muslim family in Winnipeg who came there 30 years ago with nothing and are now very well to do owning several homes and businesses, her children all well educated and rising to the top. Her advice to my wife - " If you want to make your husband rich, cook at home!"


    Michael Kelly

  14. well males cant raise healthy umm its the females' greatest role to raise ..but not necessarily cook and clean u can get someone  for that..maybe ur

    but raising kids to be good ...that is our role..once we have kids..

  15. ballay wai

    haan g mari budgi meray lai khana banandi j tay saab kuch kerdi j. i think tusi pakistani nai  fair v kum taday pakistania walay nay

    Pakistan zindabad

  16. I wouldn't judge you, because everybody has the right to do whatever they want with their lives. But whats wrong with not wanting to cook, or clean? Do you think its fair for a girl that works 8hrs a day to come home to clean and cook for the other guy that works the same time. I don't think so. I think that what is really fair is to divide the home tasks in that kind of situation, and if they have kids it should be a task of two people, not just the mom. Children are not born with one parent, but with two.

  17. Bismilallahi Rahmani Rahim

    Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

    It is a blessing to be able to take care of your home and raise your children to be strong Muslims.  I always get amused at women who hold homemakers in contempt.  Okay, first of all, if you are single, don't you have to do housework anyway?  Or do you just let the dishes and dirty clothes pile up?  Why does it suddenly become oppressive when you get married?  Ugh.

    I am blessed with a wonderful husband who used to go out to work.  He worked incredibly long hours at a high-stress job and was always exhausted, even working two jobs at once for a time. I was  spared from going out to a job so of course I took care of the house.  I cooked, cleaned, ironed his work clothes, did all that stuff.  At the same time I pursued my interest as a writer and took classes at the masjid.  I never stopped using my brain and my dh and I still have great discussions on everything from Islam to politics, and I help him in his position as a committee head at our masjid.

    Now he no longer works for someone else.  We have a home-based business and we both work.  There is never enough time, lol, but I still cook and do  laundry and raise our four kids, including homeschooling the oldest.  My husband does do his part - when I am downstairs in our office working he is in charge of the kids - burping, diapers, feeding, entertainment.   When we move the business out of the house, I will "retire" and go back to being a full-time wife and mother because as the kids get older it will be too much to work as well, and dh agrees with this.  I take  pride in my home and I don't consider being a homemaker "anti-intellectual" or oppressive or anything like that.  It was MY decision to get married and have kids.  I am not going to let some stranger raise them.  Don't worry about the naysayers.  There are women who prefer to have careers outside the home, some who prefer to reign inside the home, and some who are a mixture.  Live YOUR life and don't worry about anyone else.

    Fi Aman Allah,

    Nancy Umm Abdel Hamid

  18. i think it will be better if you get a house maid and raise your kids only. casue you dont wanna let someone else raise your kids for u or they will think that that other women is there mom.

  19. I'll show the love towards my wife by doing the cleaning and cooking myself:

    This will allow her to relaaaaxxxxxx.

  20. i gave u a thumbs-up!

  21. That is what a wife does/will do no matter if she is muslim or not.

    We should do it with a smile and say Alhamdullillaah, for Allaah gave us a chance to be a wife and a mother a blessing many do not have.

  22. Dear, I think you will be a good wife & a lovely mother.

    Will you marry me?

    Let's settle down in this pacific rim. Don't worry about housework, we'll get a maid. Honeymoon in Bali, shall we?

  23. an ideal of fifty fifty should be the target and the partners should take care of the household tasks according to their available free time.

    I personnaly think that a woman who does not know how to change babies nappies or wash the dish or use the washing machine or cook is diminishing her core value as a woman.

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