
Muslimahs, what to do for prom??

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im 16 but in about 2 years, it'll be sixth form prom. i dont want to miss it, but im unsure of how to dress. im a muslim and pakistani, so obviously i cannot wear english style prom dresses. and i dont want to wear a sari or anything that is really traditional so that i would look odd. so i was thinking, is something like this okay to wear?

what is this style of pakistani shalwar kamiz called? like slightly tighter around the waist and a large flaring kameez? it has decent coverage and has a modern look. of course, i will try to find something with longer sleeves. is this acceptable? i will be going with just my girl mates, no boys! and i have no intention to attract males.

i also want to know, any muslim girls, desis in particular, who has had their prom, what did you do? what did you wear? and to the younger girls in this section...what are you planning to do?

salaam. sister Zahra




  1. hey as salamu aliakum,

    what is this style of pakistani shalwar kamiz called?

    - It si called a Churidah

    is this acceptable?

    - Yes but you might see some boys on the way!!!!

    i also want to know, any muslim girls, desis in particular, who has had their prom, what did you do? what did you wear? and to the younger girls in this section...what are you planning to do?

    - Well we don't have proms but we have simmilar stuff i just wore a dresstop and jeans, more info on that below!!!

    And i sent many links below!!! But don't skip to them read it or else you will get confused!!!

    I really think the 1st one is gorgeous!

    I think you should wear that one definetly!

    About the sleeves that can be easily solved:

    - Just wear a cotton green or choclate cardigain.

    like this?

    or if you want a green one:

    - Just wear a green or choclate top underneath? you probablly ddon't have one!! so just buy it!

    -Or you can wear a pashmina geren or choclate around your neck!

    Like this one:

    or in choclate:

    But if you want to wear english clothes i don't see why not because a dreestop is like the top on a churidah. And The trousers on  a churidah are like skinny jeans??

    .But you can wear normal jeans if you like.

    Any of these dresstops?

    but you will need to wear a cardigain something trendy like this one?

    or this one?

    Skinny jeans:

    or normal jeans??

    But at the end of the day you ae=re going to wear it so it is up to you!!!

    And your parents probablly want you to wear churidah /selwar kameez.

    Have a good time

    i hope this helped

    And Ramadan Mubarak!!!

  2. it is a cuidar pajama if u really want  a cool shalwar kamiz then u should go to pakistan and get it their are some cool cloths their and btwur parent would not allow u to go bcz it is late at night and boys are their

    i am 14 and i dont care about the prom now bcz i know i will not be allowed to go bcz i am a pakistani like u but if u get permission then i hope u enjoy it  

  3. I like them both :)

    Have fun at your prom xD

  4. there are modest english dresses that u can purchase online that cover your whole body...

    i'm not really planning on going to prom... i think it's a waste of time and money... but that's my opinion

  5. It's called an Anarkali style shalwar khameez. Where it's tight around the waist and then it flows out like a dress to the knees. I really like that kind of shalwar khameez, I say go for it. I like the first one. You'll look cute and unique at the same time!

  6. Sister,I don't even attend my proms,i just stay at home and stuff myself with Milky Way chocolate bars in-till I feel like barfing...:D

  7. I think the first one is really beautiful.. I wear dresses like that too..

    However sis you gotta keep in mind that their will be non-muslim guys there and will get attracted if you wear such nice/embroidary clothes.. However if your planning to wear hijab then thats fine but remember you also have to cover your hands.. take a Pashmina with you to cover your hands.. Thats what I do. Good luck sis x )



  8. Its called a Churi-daar pajama with Kameez OR Semi Patiala Salwar Kameez... :)

    I hope you enjoy your prom :) be careful and watch your back

  9. You know what? Both dresses are very pretty indeed.  I think it's completely up to you what you'd like to wear.

  10. I wore a normal dress for my prom because i was....dunoo i just did but that dress is sooo beautiful and i would defo wear it! good luck sister! dress was very regular << but in red and i also had a long scarf that i put across my chest! My hair was long and curly...i didnt really dance with any boys because im not that kinda girl so me and my girls formed a circle and all danced with each other and it was a funn day and i hav loads of picz for memories and my high skool one was amazing as well so just enjoy yourself but just treat yourself as a dimonded babes cuz im sure you are one and as for the boys, if they come up 2 you and start on you.....head straight for the balls because trust me, you aint the first one they tried it on!!

    RAMADAN KAREEM SISTA and I hope i helped!!

    have a nice prom!!

  11. Wow... your allowed to go =)

    your lucky... My parents were like 'NO, There is music! its Haram'

    Yeah Just wear something like that! =D  

  12. sister zahra.. it is completely haraam for you to go to any sort of event like that. children dancing like theyre having s*x but with clothes on, and going afterwards to drink alcohol and commit zinaa is a very serious thing, of which no muslim should have anything to do with. especially during ramadan.. i weep for the future of this ummah

  13. I think that dress is fine. Also remember it's you intentions that count too, cover yourself and it's clear you have no bad intentions.

    I went to my prom last year it was great :D

    Becuase i can't wear the western dresses because they are very revealing, i got my own fabric, and my mom made my dress, she's really good at making dresses and she made it perfectly to how i asked for it to be. So if any of your family are good at textiles, you could explain how you want it and ask them to make it for you, otherwise, you can always get one tailor made. That way you can get it made however you want it.

  14. but saris are so pretty!

    I like those tho

  15. I went to a prom but it it was traditional asian prom and we didn't get up to anything wrong or bad.  You can find loads of nice english style prom dresses which cover you perfectly.

  16. you could wear a dress thats long and if it is sleeveless wear a shawl or a cardigan. yo can get nice ones. the kameez is nice too though. mashalah nice too see there are sisters out there who still care. have a great prom inshallah and good luck for ramadan

  17. its called churi-daar pajama and kameez.....and yeah the dress is acceptable islamically as long as you get one with long sleeves....

    my prom was back in 2006 and i didn't go for islamic reasons.....

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