
Muslimahs only, please. How do you feel when....?

by Guest59508  |  earlier

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the media twists their information to make us look helpless? I absolutely cannot stand it when people walk around saying our husbands control us or that hijab takes away our "freedon to express ourselves"...

as a revert, I have to deal with this all the time because this is the mindset my father has. He went ballistic when I reverted and I really thought he was going to kill me when he found out I started wearig hijab.

Anyway, how do you deal with it?

wasalaam alaikum. =)




  1. I just ignore it, it's retarded.

  2. I never feel helpless because Allah is with me.

  3. Allah  Allmighty is the one who will reward you,not the fear Allah Allmighty and not people..dont be ashmed of your good deeds

  4. I'm not helpless.  I'm an officer of the law.  People fear me and my badge.

  5. I agree with Mohammad K.

    Non-Muslims are nothing compared to Allah.


    "..................But if they don't agree, say (to them): 'Bear witness that we are Muslims.'"

    Peace for all!

  6. Welcome to Islam my sister.... Just ignore whoever say bad about our Religion because they do not know is it to be a Muslim and neither do they know anything about Islam !

    I truly understand the reaction of your parents... please do not worry as we have Allah that provides us inner peace ..but never loose respect for your parents even though they do not believe in Islam ! because parents are a gift from Allah and it is our duty to respect them. However, if they become too much abusive about Islam, it is preferred that you stay away from them and never loose respect, or try to help them understand Islam !

    mashAllah I pray that all your problems are solved and may Allah Almighty protect us.

    People have been saying bad about Islam since it came into being, and they will always say ! We need to concentrate on what Allah has ordained us to do , and he will protect us and give us peace!

    There is no cure for ignorants and people who are astrayed !

  7. Salaam

    Hi, Dont worry about what people think, do what you think is the best for you. If you want to wear the hijab, you should wear it and not because someone else has told you to. If you want to wear the hijab then wear it and dont take it off if someone does not want you to wear it. You should ignore the comments made and just do the best you can. I am a muslim man and I personally do believe that a husband sometimes does take control of there wife and I absolutley go against that. Remember one thing sister, a lot happends behind our eyes and things we are not aware of. Islam is a very complex religioun with thousands of interpretations and thousands of different types. When you hear people say that husbands take control of there wifes, remember it is true sometimes. Sometimes women do not have any rights (not saying for every muslim family) and this can get very complex. All I can reccomend you to do, is to pray to allah and pray for the best. Do what you can and ignore the comments that other people make. At the end of the day we will all be judged upon by allah on the comment and actions we have made and done so just do your best and ignore other comments and actions.

    Salaam and take care

  8. I don't care.

    I don't feel the need to stress over silly things like this.

    If they think I'm helpless then that's good. That means they should be nice to me and help me more if they think I'm helpless.

    They can buy me some bling bling and I'll be fine.

  9. AS long as you know the truth then faith is soo sweet that it can overcome any other feelings such as anger, we can be tolerant and kind enough to share the sweeet faith with them if they want to, otherwise be happy that you hold the truth, islam.

  10. Wa aleikum salam sis,

    You know what, I laugh at their misery. They are so retarded and brainwashed that they don't even bother asking to a Muslim woman how she feels. They feed their wisdom with fox news and it shows how helpless "they" are. So, it gives me a good laugh indeed! And whenever I see someone talking to me like I'm helpless or oppressed, I ask them why they think so. Then they usually start saying, "Well, I watched a Saudi woman on tv talking about..." at that time I ask him/her if s/he knows any Muslim woman in real life and the answer is 99% "No :| "

    You see those people are so ignorant that they don't even have genuine knowledge about what they are talking.  So give your best laugh and don't even bother yourself with such people. We are following Allah (s.w.t)'s commands and that's all that matters.  Allah is enough for all of us, alhamdulillah :)


  11. You should explain to your father that it is the media and not the Sunnah that makes you look helpless.

    Show him in the Sunnah where Muhammed said that women are not helpless, rather, they are deficient in intelligence and the majority of the dwellers of h**l-fire are women;

    Hadith Bukhari--Volume 1, Book 6, Number 301:

    Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: Once Allah's Apostle went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) o 'Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, "O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of h**l-fire were you (women)." They asked, "Why is it so, O Allah's Apostle ?" He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you." The women asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion."

  12. sweet salaams,

    yea i have to deal with this too from time to time. i just talk about it and move on. i was at a feast last sat and there was non Muslims there. they ask Q and i gave my A. one woman wanted to know what my husband would do if i removed my higab. i told her, nothing. my husband gives me the choice so long as we are in America. life can be a little tense here beings America isn't an Islamic country. but he told me if we go to Egypt then i have to wear it. but he won't beat me i told her. He never has beating me. he's tapped me like he is allowed to do, but never beat me or hit me in my face. never buised me when he taps me. so everything is fine. i think that every coulpe taps each other. so there is nothing happening out of the norm. but hun, ppl will go ballistic from time to time. we have to give it to Allah and continue on. yea it makes us feel bad, but we must say Alhamdoillah and continue. someone i know that i am extreamly close to thinks i should remove my higab because it makes me look old she said. i was hurt but i must remember that she is unaware of the bond between a Muslimah and her higab. i don't care if it makes me look old, because to me that mean that my higab is serving it's purpose. im 21, how can my higab make me look old? this is what i was thinking. i didn't give it any more thought and just in one ear and out the other and i too continue on. May Allah guide and reward you insha'Allah

  13. i totally hate a teen n dey think im lyk a older married women bcuz dey think da only married women wear hijab...

    itz totally annoyin n i just ignore these ignorant ppl

    or i will tell dem der wrong

  14. im muslem,where r u from?

  15. I remember a famous quote of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab(ra) He once said if the kings of Persia and Rome knew what we have in our hearts(Islam and the tranquility that comes with Islam) they the kings would fight with us with swords.

  16. Ask an afghanistani Husband, not an idle muslim who only goes to friday prayers.

  17. I can't stand it!! Don't they understand, I mean, as a revert, I felt oppressed by the western standard of beauty, having to wear full makeup, a push up bra nad a mini skrit to be considered attractive. Women here are slaves to the trends. I find being a Muslimah, who dresses "modestly modest" much more freeing than having to be a slave to fashion or be labelled "frumpy"

    Honestly, sometimes I think nobody in the west actually cares about freeing oppressed women. They only care about b***s being covered and they feel cheated out of more eye candy.

    I can't stand it when they see a woman in a hijab and call her oppressed. No, we have the power to look how we want. To be seen as women, not as "nice rack" or 'nice tail".

    I don't wear the hijab, but I do wear clothes that keep me covered, because I actually don't like it when men leer at me, especially since I'm a marrid woman. I used to wear, as I said before, less than modest clothes----tight tight tight jeans, short skirts, tank tops, the like. Now, whenever someone that I knew from high school asks me why I cover so much, I just say "Because I prefer to be seen as a woman and a person. Not eye candy."

    Maybe it's a bit rude, astaghfurallah, but I feel very strongly about people calling Muslimah oppressed. If they cre so much abotu freeing oppressed women, maybe they should start funding better battered women's shelters, lunches for underpriviledged kids and do more to empower girls to be smart and take part in school rather than act liek the Bratz dolls.

    Again, sorry about how strong this post was, but it's something I feel very strongly about.

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