
Muslimas: Have you ever been called something stupid or weird because of the clothes you wore?

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Today at school I was wearing a black headscarf, black shirt, black sweatshirt over my shirt, and black pants. Then this stupid guy behind me said "You look like a ninja! Why do you wear that?" I just ignored him, he's stupid, he's a muslim and he doesn't know why muslimas are supposed to wear head scarves. A few minutes later, he started talking to his friends about freshmen friday ( Fridays in which seniors beat up freshmen, me and him are both freshmen, and tomorrow is freshmen friday) , the he said to me "Will you ninjas protect me!?" Then he and his friends started laughing. I just ignored them. Idiots these days.




  1. I wear normal clothes with a hijab and I have been called a "hoejabi"  Lol.

    Even though I don't dress like a hoe at all..

  2. Well I have been called a towel head and people stuck gum to the handle of my locker but I ignored them then they stopped. I also wear a jelbab in school, but no one said any thing about it. but my friends sister wore one once and a boy called her sudam husains sister, then she went to the dean and told on him and he apologized to her.

  3. Its OK :) When Iwas in 6th grade I had this thing for wearing matching clothes...My favourite outfit was a shocking pink tracksuit with a pale pink Hijab. I used to wear it everyday almost. and all the other Hijabis in my class were not so colourful and one day my science teacher (in front of the whole class) asked me why I dress in such bright and odd colours. She thought it was something religious! I was sooooo embarrassed cause I thought the clothes look nice and here was a teacher telling me I looked 'Odd'  

    No worries though its all life experiences!

  4. Do you honestly think that there's a horny Arab waiting around every corner to rape you? Anti-rape headgear are from the stone-age.

  5. Hes ignorant and doesnt no much

    jus ignore him and keep doing wat you do.

  6. I have seen Muslims wandering around in the malls wearing Muslim outfits. Seems to me they want to draw attention for whatever reasons. They are young and sound 2nd or 3rd generation. I some times doubt if they dress like that even back in their own countries.

    Wearing  such clothing in Mosques and religious functions seems appropriate but sometimes they seem to want to make a statement.

  7. Oh my goodness, he called you a ninja!  What is this world coming to?  He was funny.  You on the other hand have called him stupid, idiot, insulted his country and said he should be ashamed.  What a hypocrite you are!  Are you allowed to do that, especially during Ramadan?  lol.  

  8. seems like he was only joking. so ye, dn't take everything so serious.

    but ye people can get annoying, and way worse than that guy.  

  9. headscarves are ridiculous get that c**p off your head welcome to the 21st century

  10. There are so many rude people out there, we all know that. I am proud you ignored him.

  11. Umm...I am afraid not but once a girl in my class was on the bus and a guy told her that she looks like a ninja and through a sweet on her face. and once a girl slapped my friend in the bus and as she is very peaceful she didn't do anything...which i found so irritating. This never happened to me and inshallah it won't but sweet heart you need to stick up for yourself. No one has got a right to offend you because of your dress code.


  12. I was called a "Rag Head" once. I was walking around my school (university) and as I walked by, this guy said to his friend -- really loudly so that I could hear -- something about "this stupid RAG HEAD here".  He was referring to me.  The worst part was how angry he sounded, like I had done something wrong.  Allahu Akbar.

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