
Muslims, PLEASE help me. Sister in need here.?

by Guest66993  |  earlier

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I am so confused on religion. I was raised as a Muslim, but I have not been the best Muslim. I have not prayed 5 times a day. I'm fifteen years old and still in high school. My family has a lot of problems at home, and a whole lot of drama. I really just don't know what to do. I want to have a very clear answer. For so long, I have said prayers before I went to sleep and then with time, they have been answered. I am so thankful to God for everything I have. It's just... sometimes I feel so lost in this religion. People of other religions are always saying that their life was a mess before they found Christianity, Judaism, etc. They said they did all this research blah blah blah and then they finally found an answer. How can I be sure, forever, that Islam is the true religion I should be following? I know this is very shameful to ask a question like this, but I don't ever want to have doubts in my religion. I just want to be clear on things.




  1. my dear sister, it would seem to me that things are difficult for you because of your family issues and because frankly being a teenager is not easy.  Your feelings are not abnormal.  It is your test dear and we know that Allah swt tests every soul.  You are actually very luck to have been born into Islam.  I look at my kids and think they are so lucky to have Muslim parents.  But of course parents are not perfect and neither are Muslims.  Do not allow your personal problems to interfere with your relationship with Allah swt.  It is exactly at these times that you need to be closer to Allah swt.  Ramadan is coming up and that is an excellent time for du'a.  Make du;a not only for yourself, but for your family.  Know that with every hardship comes ease.  Inshallah just be patient.  

  2. Salaam.. sister, maybe your age has something to do with your uncertainty. girls have many things to deal with,, schooling, thoughts of growing up,, steps you will make and take after school is  finished .The "drama" could be making you have some doubts ,also.. Remember Ramadan is coming and this is a special time for you to reflect on your relgion and family.I pray and encourage you to stay strong in your faith.  

  3. Only solution is you find what are the things coming to your mind against Islam. then find suitable Islamic books about that subject and read it. get some periodicals published by islamic societies.

    Read some translations explanation of quran.

    Start to pray, if you leave some then make it up while you pray next time.

    at least try to pray fajr as soon as you wake up.dhuhr and asr combined, maghrib and Isha combined. once you get used to this paray 5 times.

    if you don't know the Quran and other dikr while praying say subhanallahi wa lhamdulillahi wa la-ilaha illallahu allahu akbar

    Read books/ articles by new muslims how they found Islam suitable for them.

    without understanding what is islam, if you go for other religions then you will get confused. try to understand Islam.

  4. AstugfarAllah

    I always wonder what is wrong with the family when I read this.

    edit - it means there is a billion and one reasons to remain a muslim and there is only 1 reason to leave Islam... bad examples around you.. does that make sense?

    Take hold of the ropes Allah SWT provides and leave this earth below your elevation.  Surely we are better than that, always have been and always will be Al hamdoullah. Remove all negative influences and install all positive Allah reinforced elements. Elevate above this earth with the ilm the knowledge he left you in abondance my goodness woman, the proof is in the lines on your very hands alone! Tonze of proof seek it!

  5. always b4 sleeping ask God to guide you and do this with a sincere heart and Allah will definitely guide you.

    read the Quraan with translation.

    btw there are so many pple who say that they didn't have peace and happiness b4 they accepted islaam.why do you have to listen to the non-muslims.

    Allah says in the Quraan dont take the disbelievers as your helpers.

    and the main reason for this is that once take them as friends and helpers they start decieving you.

    btw you are 15 so this searcg for identity is natural. all teens face this. so do i. just be sure that Islaam is the right religion and you will see that there is no religion as perfect as islaam when you start reading the Quraan with translation.



  6. If this is the case then you should spend more time reading and listening to the Qur'aan and learning about the religion of Islaam from the Ulemaa.

    Here's a good lecture for you by our Brother Abu Awais rahimahullaah:

  7. You need to learn more about Islam. The more you learn the more sure you will be about Islam. Knowledge is the answer. Read the quran, learn about our prophet Muhammad.

  8. here check this out

  9. it's okay you are confused sis. :) you are 15. but i'd say its okay to be confused even if you were more than 20.

    you just have to figure things out.  Atleast you are already searching Mashallah.  Many don't in their 50s, a'uthubillah.

    And many Muslim families are as you described... it makes the process harder.  But take it as a test from your Lord, and there is more reward in hardship.

    Do NOT follow your religion because your family is Muslim, just as your Christian friends turned to Christianity and Jewish to Judaism.  From my experience, when you sincerely with open heart and soul search for the truth, Allah guids you.  That's what I did.  And later found out, that's exactly what Allah told us to do.  Allah/God guides those who seek guidance with sincerity.  And knowledge is blocked for those who turns an arrogant/ignorant ear.

    It will take time.  The more you think "i'm confused" "i'm confused", u'd delay it more and more.  Be patient, and keep asking the One and Only Creator to guide you, and keep searching for answers to your qustions.  

    The way to clear on things would be to ask questions isn't it?  How can we ever gain knowledge without questions.  Therefore, seek knowledge.  Ask, read, listen....... And do not be ashamed to ask questions, or for suggestions.  And try to make sure the information you are getting is authentic, and/or trustworthy.

    :) that's all i can quickly think of right now.  May Allah make a good way for you and easy on you ameen.

    assalaamu aleiki

  10. Salamz, Nothing wrong in putting up ur prob or doubts in order to find solution sometimes we have to ask ourselves these questions. Ur intention is good. U want clarity on the subject why not.

    At times we all feel lost. We feel like we r drifting somehwer not sure of the direction. Religion comes as a saviour and hope. Somethings we can always look upon and follow. Believing tht there s supreme power out there whose totally in control of the universe and beyond. Who is listening and watching. Who knows wht s in the hearts and mind. Who knows us the best more than anybody.

    We mite have come across our own incidence which is hard to explain but u see it happening and u know deep within ther s something controlling the situation. Its hard to show god exist but u can feel it. God never moves away frm anybody dear..we r the one who leave Him. He s trying to bring us closer. Giving us prob so we ll ask his help. He helps when we least expect it and alone. He gave us beautiful features. He gave eyes to see all his creations. Ears to listen to his name and wonders of nature. Functional limbs to thank him wit prayers.

    Many many times we commit mistakes..He forgives. Or else we all wud be rotting now. He gives parents to take care of us and He watches us even when our parents not wit us sometimes. Mother s love is the greatest but God who gave us the mother is greater. He at times give us little problems not coz He hates us but want us to learn frm mistakes we made before. And see if we turn to Him for help. In whatever form of help we r getting frm anybody its frm Him. If He stops no one can give and IF He wants to give no one can stop. He s merciful and kind...not gruesome as some claims. Dad scold us if we do wrong tht s coz he cares rite?

    Islam is complete. Im glad i chosed this religion not coz my parents have been following it. I have always analysed religions. Im satisfied wit this. It has reference for anything and everything u wish to know. Things to do and not. Freedom and limitations and the reason why. One topic itself is for woman. Tht shows how much importance god give to woman. Punishment awaiting ppl who mock god, prophet and the path is mentioned very sternly. Coz He wants ppl to take it seriously..its of no joke rotting in h**l. Later no one shud say they hav not been reminded.

    Various prophets whose life they spend protecting the religion and how they were treated harshly. Wht a strong iman they had compare to ours. God jus wants us to be thankful and not forget tht life is temporary. But we fall for worldly joys which is for a moment...

    I suggest u read the translations of holy book and not just read wit out any purpose. Understand the content. Ask urself the question why its mentioned so. Refer hadith. Hav discussion. Its very interesting. God bless u

  11. Why don't you read about Islam? Get a English Quran, visit your local masjid, check out some Islamic websites. We live in the age of technology - we can learn anything at the click of a button.

    As we are approaching the Holy Moth of Ramadan, this is a good time to start practicing because Allah (SWT) locks Shaytan and all his jinns in chains and the gates of Jannah (Paradise) are open.

    Also, it is not shameful to wonder and want to know about your religion. Our blessed Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) tells us, "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave."

    I'm also fifteen, and I practice fully and have pretty good knowledge of Islam (I think). so if you want to know anything or just need someone to talk to, you can contact me.

    Pray for guidance and strength and Allah (SWT) will help you.

    Peace be upon you. I hope you find your answers.

    P.S. Why don't you check out these websites?

  12. asaalaamu-alaikum! the first thing is that b/c you are a born muslim you do things b/c it's what you've been taught and perhaps b/c your family's deen is jacked up as well is why you're confused. i would say start learning islaam for your self and not b/c it's what you're supposed to do. once you start practicing islaam correctly and stop taking it for granted then mashaallah you will be fine. as far as prayer goes just try adding a prayer a day, like one day you pray, fajr, then the next pray fajr and asr until you're praying all of them, not to mention prophet muhammad salahi wa'salam said the salat(prayer) is what separates us from the kufar, and one who does not pray is not even muslim. so it's one of the most important things. i would continue to pray to Allah and ask for higher eeman(faith). as a revert i treasure coming to islaam from christianity. i was searching as well and i found islaam b/c it fit more w/ my beliefs. so you have to follow your heart but learn it for yourself not b/c you were born into it,sis. i will make dua for you. feel free to email if you need further support.

  13. Sallam,

    Just increase ur knowledge and u'll find the right answer..most of us in a way have left islam and thats why we are struggling,i advice read Quran with translation, hadiths, sirah and so on, this will help u alot. A lot of people have questions (its nothing to be ashamed about), and they don't know the answers but Allah(swt) has given us a guide to live by and all the answers, so try ur best to follow it and inshAllah everything will be ok.

    As for people converting to for example christianty, there are just as many people who turn to islam, it depends on the person.

    InshAllah (swt) gives u strength, and helps you with your struggles.

    Remember this life is only a test!!

    Hope i helped


  14. Assalaamu alaikum ukhtee I am your big sister in the deen. Just relax take it easy and turn exclusively to Allah subhanahu wa ta ala and ask him for help. He will guide you and help you. He never lets anyone down.

    You are very good person Alhamdullilah. You want help and you want to become a better Muslimah. Remember ukhtee Allah subhanahu wa ta ala tests those that he loves. So remember you are being tested and that Allah subhanahu wa ta ala wants you to be a better Muslimah.

    Ukhtee if you want to talk please feel free to contact me. I am your friend.

  15. There is no restriction over not reading other religion's books .. infact when i did .. it made me so much more strong in faith. Read bible for instance .. and you know already its written by man and not revelation.. well most parts of it. The kind of speech and language...

    There is a pre requisite however.. you should read Quran too .. the entire Quran .. it will take u a week. That way you will have something to compare:)

    Edit: I went thru something similar .. if you allow me to email you .. i would love to share it with u

  16. Maybe your to smart for religion, it is good you question things. Maybe you are working out that the whole idea of religion is just a very very old way of trying to understand things like an old science. It is more like a tradition. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in the shackles of religion? Slave to fear that you will offend something when you die for forgetting to pray to something that is not there. I used to be a christian because i went to a christian primary school, but when i was ten i realized it was just a big theory of how the world is made. Remember life is for living, not fear off being punished for living your life to the full. When i became non-religous i felt free and thought it was more like a code of conduct. Are animals religious, no does that mean they go to h**l? What do you think this crisis in the middle east is about, religion they can't get on with one another because off this stupid fantasy. You get around 70-80 years of life why not live it to the full make the most of it. As i said life is for living not being slave to a fantasy.          And remeber 15 is when you should be hanging around with mates and enjoying yourself not being brain-washed into somthing what happend ages ago.Religion is like chinees whispers, things get changed through the years just like a story gets changed. Yow wont get these years back, these our YOUR golden years.         Good luck i hope you do what you want to do.   Edit: Why have you given me a thumbs down, there is two sides to every story. All the answers here are biased towards reading more into it, mayby she needs to let go and move on.

  17. Don't r still should pray five times a day...but don't panic and feel bad if you don't...if you give in to such negative thinking..this is bad....Satan talks to you and makes you feel bad..I'd suggest you try studying more...and being more hadith..try to read as much as you can...try to hang around Muslim sisters if you don't already....if there is a Masjid near you..attend activities thAt they have there..if you don't already....and remember that Allah is more forgiving than the nicest person you know....he's the most forgiving.....don't worry....maybe starting to study at these sights will help..  

    and by the way...I'm sure that Christianity is not the right religion....

  18. I M Not A Islam...But There Has To Be A Reason Why There Are 1.1 Billion People Who Follow Islam. I Guess It Is A Matter Of Belief...Follow Your Heart!

  19. No, dont feel ashamed sis, its good to question, it strenghtens your iman.

    This is y i love sufism, one of there "things" r its good to feel "lost" bcuz that draws u closer to God, when u feel complete, u dont strive anymore, hence bcome lazy, but wwhen u feel like u do, u work hard to feel 'complete."

    this is gonna sound crazy, but u r blessed.

  20. Your additional detail helped me a lot.

    Well stay consistent on your prayers, follow Islam, wear hijab, fast, read Qur'an, follow The Ahlebait (as), obey your parents, work hard for this life and the hereafter and keep researching Islam for more answers you want. Y!A may not be the perfect place to ask, try going to some real authentic websites to ask your questions or queries, and if u want i can give u some thru email.

    This link might help u but keep researching and DON'T EVER listen to the negativism about Islam that u might hear around u. Stay consistent on your eemaan (faith in Allah swt) and Allha swt will help u in return. Hope i relaxed u a little bit. Stay calm and cool and follow the path of Sirat-ul-Mustaqeem (The Path of Those who Allah have bestowed His Favors on, and those are The Ahlebait (as), Household of Prophet Muhammad).

    Stay cool. Wasalam

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